Freeze-dryer Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
6 Operation
78 / 117
Version 11/2018, Rev. 1.9 of 01/12/2021
• sb
Translation of the original operating manuel
After the completion of a phase, the freeze-dryer switches to the next
phase without switching to standby. The transition from "Freezing" to
"Warm-up" takes place automatically. After the completion of the "Warm-
up" phase, a dialogue box opens:
Fig. 53: Dialogue box after the completion of the warm-up phase
The freeze-dryer will remain in the "Warm-up" phase until a confirmation is
Normally, the transition from "Main drying" to "Final drying" takes place
After the completion of the "Final drying" phase, there will be another
enquiry with which the freeze-drying process will be completed. The freeze-
dryer remains in the "Run" mode until the enquiry is confirmed.
The process can be stopped any time by way of the "Stop" button. In this
case, the freeze-dryer will be switched to standby.
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Entering set values
The system has stored set values for every phase, and for every value
there are pre-defined value ranges that can be determined in the various
dialogue boxes by pressing the buttons "min" and "max" (see hereinbelow,
Fig. "Numerical keypad for entering numerical values").
Fields that are displayed in the form of buttons can be edited.