Freeze-dryer Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic
8 Maintenance and service
Version 11/2018, Rev. 1.9 of 01/12/2021
• sb
93 / 117
Translation of the original operating manuel
Pos : 209 /200 Chris t/360 GT-BA Labor-Pil ot ( STAND ARDMO DULE)/080 W artung und I nst andhaltung/ 080-0010- 0070 El ektrisc hes Syst em @ 36\m od_1436513298779_68.docx @ 267361 @ 3 @ 1
Electrical system
Danger of life caused by electric shock
There is a risk of electric shock when touching current-carrying
This may lead to ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrest, or respiratory
• Only qualified electricians are authorised to perform work on the
electrical system of the freeze-dryer!
The electrical equipment of the freeze-dryer must be checked at regular
intervals by a qualified electrician. Defects such as loose connections or
burnt cables must be eliminated immediately.
Pos : 210 /010 Univ ers almodul e/ Leerz eile @ 0\mod_1202116244500_0.docx @ 114 @ @ 1
Pos : 211 /200 Chris t/36 1 GT-BA Labor-Pil ot ( PROJ EKTE)/ Alpha/Al pha 1- 4_2-4_3-4 St andard/ Alpha 3-4 LSCbasic/ 080 Wart ung und I nst andhalt ung/080-0010-0080 Vak uumsys tem Vacuubrand RC6 (ölgedichtet) Al pha 3- 4 @ 86\m od_1635937013976_68.docx @ 906338 @ 3 @ 1
Vacuum system with oil-sealed vacuum pump, type Vakuubrand RC6
Please refer to the separate operating manual of the vacuum pump!
In addition, the following must be taken into consideration:
Risk of scalding caused by the vacuum pump oil
When working on the vacuum pump and exhaust gas filter (especially
when changing the oil or filter), the maintenance personnel are exposed to
the hot vacuum pump oil.
There is a risk of scalding in the event of skin contact.
• Work on the vacuum pump must only be carried out by qualified
specialist personnel!
Risk of poisoning/infection caused by the vacuum pump oil
When working on the vacuum pump and exhaust gas filter (especially
when changing the oil or filter), the maintenance personnel are exposed to
the vacuum pump oil, which may contain harmful substances originating
from the product. In addition, synthetic oils can release toxic fumes when
they are ignited or heated above 300°C.
The inhalation of the fums that are released by the oil, or contact with the
skin, can cause severe damage to health.
• Work on the vacuum pump must only be carried out by qualified
specialist personnel!
• Ensure the environmentally sound disposal of the oil in compliance
with the local rules and regulations!
• Do not let the oil come into contact with tobacco products!
The stress of the vacuum pump in conjunction with a freeze-dryer is usually
not very high. This is why the recommendations in this operating manual
may differ from the information that is provided by the pump manufacturers.