Configuration is via the IRIS Local Configuration software. It is possible to use the
standard version (V1.4) and a new version will also be released to provide
additional features to aid pin programming.
The operation is as follows:
As pin alarms share the same input pins as SMS messaging, the same setup
page and entry fields are used for both.
The function of each pin is determined by the contents of the “Telephone
Number to Call” field:
No entry in field – SIA pin alarm using Polling account code.
SIA Messages sent are determined by the contents of the “Message
Sent When Activated” field. This field contains the ‘Set’ message
followed by the ‘Restore’ message separated with a ‘_’ character. Note
that each part of the message contains both the SIA Function code and
the SIA Message (e.g. NBA1002_NBR1002).
Only a ‘Set’ alarm is sent if no ‘Restore’ message is included.
Entry starting with ‘#’ – variable account code.
The text following the ‘#’ is used as the SIA account code.
The SIA Message sent is as above.
Normal phone number (i.e. starts with 0 to 9) – SMS message function.
Message sent is as set in the “Message Sent When Activated” field –
see section below.
Version 1.5 16/10/06