4 Installation – Alarm Transmission and Polling over IP
The standard method for linking an alarm panel to an IRIS Dialler is by connecting
the alarm panel dialler 2-wire (telephone) output to the IRIS Dialler. The installation
procedure for this type of installation is described in this section.
For IRIS Diallers with pin inputs, these pins can also be used as an additional, or
alternative way to connect to the alarm panel or other alarm sources. The procedure
for this type of installation is described in the Advanced Installation – Pin Alarms
section below.
4.1 Preparation Prior to Installation
1. Check that the ARC to which connection is to be made supports Chiron’s IRIS
Alarm over IP system.
2. The IP address of the Polling Engine/Receiver at the ARC is required – this
will be a twelve digit number. Note – IP addresses are often provided as four
numbers separated by the “.” character, e.g. This will need to
be converted to a twelve digit equivalent by adding leading zeroes to each
number to make them up to three digits each, and then removing the “.”s. The
address above becomes 192168003034.
3. The account (“chip”) number is loaded into the alarm dialler – this is the same
as required for any standard dialler installation.
4. The IRIS Dialler should be set to factory defaults. If it is believed that the
Dialler has been used before on another site and retains that configuration, it
should be set to defaults. The way to do this is describer in the Local
Configuration sections of the User Guide.
5. The IRIS Dialler has an Ethernet interface for IP network connection that uses
Automatic IP addressing (sometimes referred to as DHCP). If Fixed IP
addressing is required this can be set up on the IRIS Dialler as described in
the Local Configuration sections of this User Guide.
4.2 Physical Installation
1. It is essential that the IRIS Dialler is located within a standard alarm enclosure
with battery backup and tamper protection to ensure the installation conforms
to the relevant standards for alarm systems and safety. Ideally it is
recommended that this is the same enclosure as the alarm dialler uses so that
no extra battery backed power supply or tamper protection is required.
Locating within the same enclosure as the alarm system also allows direct
wiring to the alarm dialler without any external cabling being needed.
2. Make allowances for the external wiring which will be required, i.e. IP network
connection via the Ethernet cable. Make sure external cable runs are
protected from tampering.
Version 1.5 16/10/06