™ CAS 2700
User Manual
3381 Cambie Street, #211
© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3
All rights reserved
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HTTP Push Configuration
This section contains instructions on how to configure the CAS Gateway CAS-2700 to send data as
HTTP Put or HTTP Post payloads. The current driver contains only two options for payloads: Default
JSON or Veeder JSON. These will be described in more detail below. If a specific format is required
(JSON, XML, or other), please contact Chipkin to discuss.
To access the configuration page, open a web browser and type in the following url:
where {ipaddress} is the IP Address of the CAS Gateway.
Or, from the main system page, click on the following link:
Figure 3-2.2-1 HTTP Push Config Link