™ CAS 2700
User Manual
3381 Cambie Street, #211
© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5Z 4R3
All rights reserved
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Data Methods
At the time of the writing of this manual, the HTTP Push driver only supports the following data
Default JSON
uses Chipkin
s default JSON payload
VeederRoot JSON
a specific payload for Veeder Root data
If you require a specific payload (JSON format, XML schema, CSV, etc), please contact Chipkin to
discuss your requirements.
HTTP Methods
Select either PUT or POST as the HTTP Method for sending the data payload.
Header Configuration
Add any headers that are required for sending the data payload. These headers are stored as a JSON
object and must conform to JSON spec. When adding additional headers, make sure each header is
on a new line and that there is a trailing comma where needed.
Please note that all standard HTTP headers will use their specific formatting. For example: Content-
Type etc.
For authorization, use username and password headers. Note that these are all lower case:
Here is an example of some headers:
: "application/json",
: "admin",
: "12345"
If you do not require any additional headers, simply delete any contents and keep the Header
Configuration text area empty.
Click on the
Add Method and Headers
button to save the items. If successful, you will see a new
entry in the Method and Headers section of the configuration page as seen below: