INST No. INE-479-P0
Software version 1.0
5.1 Function code
Following columns from [5.2 Function code of an analogue input data] to [5.4 Function code of a
digital setting value] is explaining the answer at each function code.
5.2 Function code of an analogue input data
5.2.1 Reading of an analogue input data
[Function code: 04 (04H)]
Continuously analogue input data (2 bytes: 16 bits) is read out only the designated number from
the designated No.
The data of the answer message is configured with arranged at the order of the number that was
divided to an upper class 8 bits and subordinate class 8 bits.
Refer to [6.2 Answer at the time of abnormality] about the answer at the time of
The example of an answer is similar to [Function code 03].
The start No (relative number) is [Reference number-30001].
5. MODBUS protocol-Function code
R e m a r k s
R e m a r k s