6. Operation of the Appliance
Wiring diagram of the IT500 appliance series.
The appliance is activated by the S1 switch in the electrical board. The TC regulator adjusts the
indoor temperature in 2 stages according to the indications of the room sensor TE1. The room
sensor TE1 is placed on the insulation layer on the end wall of the appliance.
1. Stage
When the indoor temperature rises above the setting value of the room sensor TE1, the intake air
fan P1 is activated to provide free cooling intake air into the room, and the damper motor M opens
the exhaust and intake air dampers that are positioned on the same axle. Outside temperature
exceeding the setting value of the sensor TE3, the fan P1 is not allowed to operate. When the
temperature in the intake air duct falls below the setting value of sensor TE2, the TC regulator
controls the damper motor so as to prevent declining under the setting value of sensor TE2.
The intake air fan is placed under the maintenance cover between the electrical board and the
damper motor. The damper motor M is placed uncovered on the same side as the electrical board.
The sensor TE2 is placed in the exhaust duct and the sensor TE3 in the intake duct close to the
intake grille.
2. Stage
Continuing rise in the indoor temperature activates compressor circulation. The compressor K1 and
the condenser fan P3 are activated and accompanied by the air circulation fan P2 of the evaporator