Chemtrac Systems, Inc.
Page 23
3.2.4 SCM2500XRD Alarm Status Menu
From the MAIN screen, press ALARM function key, the ALARM STATUS screen will
display. Within the ALARM STATUS menu you can view which Alarm has been
triggered, as well as, turn the Monitor/Controller’s audible alarm feature on and off.
Display sensor diagnostic alarm condition. When the sensor is in
diagnostic alarm, it will show ALARM, the green LED (Diag.) will also stop
blinking, and the Streaming Current value will show “
“. Most likely cause for a
diagnostic alarm is that the motor in the
sensor is not turning. Check to ensure the
motor is turning. If the motor is turning,
ensure the blade of crank is passing cleanly
through the opto-switch. If the blade is
rubbing against the opto-switch, make an
adjustment by loosening the setscrew of the
crank and sliding it over so that the blade
lines up in the middle of the opto-switch. If the blade was rubbing, it will be
necessary to use compressed air to remove any debris (dust) that may be
blocking the optics of the opto-switch. Finally, check the interconnect wiring if no
other cause can be found for the diagnostic alarm. A loose connection or a
terminal that is screwed down on the insulation of the wire instead of the wire
itself can cause the diagnostic alarm to activate.
SCV Lo (Low):
The SCV Lo Alarm indicates that the SCV fall below the SCV Lo
Alarm threshold.
SCV Hi (Low):
The SCV Hi Alarm indicates that the SCV rises above the SCV
Hi Alarm threshold
Dry Contact
: Digital input status (normally open) indicates the state of digital
input. When digital input is close, the ALARM condition will display.
MAIN Function Key
– Pressing this key will bring up the MAIN screen.
Audible Alarm Indication
– The Monitor/Controller is equipped with audible
alarm feature. The audible alarm will beep and the red LED light will come on
when any alarm condition occurred. The
symbol will appear when the audible
alarm is enabled, see Special Function Key’s definition below to activate and
deactivate the audible alarm. There are two audible alarm sound lever; high and
low. When the audible alarm is enabled and alarm condition occurs, high-level
beep will be generated. The method of acknowledging the alarm is to press the
ALARM function from the MAIN screen, the alarm beep will switch to low level. If
any new alarms occur, the high-level beep will be generated to notify the user of
the new alarm.