Chemical Concepts | 410 Pike Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 | Made in USA
eQuIPmeNT INCluded
Air hose (15 ft / 4.5m).........................................1pc
Water hose (15 ft / 4.5m) ...................................1pc
Side Handle (reversible).....................................1pc
Double End Wrench (19mm/22mm) ...................1pc
Rust Inhibitor Oil (8oz / 237ml) (AIR-008) ..........1pc
Screw (w/ O-Ring Seal for Oil Port) ...................1pc
Exhaust Hose With Clamp .................................1pc
oPTIoNAl ACCessoRIes
Splash Guard (AWP-01) ....................................1pc
C-Shaped Handle (AWP-21A) ...........................1pc
sPeCIAl feATuRes
The Alpha
AIR-680C polisher was designed with user comfort in
mind, for a full day of use. The silencer system will reduce the noise
volume below 80 dBA and the rubber body cover will insulate the
user from the cold and fatigue. The blue exhaust hose is designed
to guide the cold exhaust air and rust inhibitor oil away from the user
and the work area.
Tool seT-uP INfoRmATIoN
Unpack the tool carefully and study the helpful hints and warnings
contained in this manual. Please take time to familiarize yourself
with the features of the tool. Be sure to fill out the registration card
enclosed, and mail it back to the distribution center today.
KEEP-NUT™ 5 x 8_Drill Manual AV.indd 18
9/17/19 2:01 PM