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If I-Daq detected, use raw
If checked, this replaces the normal polynomial calibration function with a ‘raw’ linear
function whenever an I-Daq is present in the flightDAQ.
'Sensistor in circuit'
If checked, keeps the sensistor in circuit for a DTC scanner. In normal operation this
control should be left unchecked.
'All DTC Channels Active'
If checked, defaults flightDAQ to setting the number of active channels to the number
read from the DTC scanner header
'Span Calibration to DTC Full
If checked, defaults the span of the calibrated output to the full scale read from the
DTC scanner header.
'DTC gain = 1/3'
Selects the deranging function of the DTC scanner if the '3' option is selected,
otherwise defaults to the standard range of the scanner.
‘Scanner acquisition freq’
Selects the acquisition frequency of the scanner, either 20KHz or 50 KHz
‘Pressure unit’
Chooses whether the output data will be in BAR of PSI.
‘Pressure type’
Chooses whether the data stream values are represented as absolute pressure
(approx. 2psi to (scanner full-scale + 15psi) ) or differential pressure.
‘Heater control on value’
If the measured temperature of the flightDAQ drops below this value then the heaters
will turn on. The minimum value for this is 10, and must always be less than the
maximum temperature.
‘Heater control off value’
If the measured temperature of the flightDAQ goes above this value then the heaters
will turn off. The maximum value for this is 70, and must always be greater than the
minimum temperature.
Applies the settings to the local settings memory
Calibration commands
Set span
Set the span of the linear calibration – confirms the value of pressure that has been
set up as the span value is being applied to the sensor.
Reset Linear cal
Resets the linear calibration to (+ 0) x1 i.e. no offset, unity gain. Applies ONLY to the
current linear calibration, i.e. the DTC calibration if using a DTC scanner.
Force a calibration table rebuild.
Table 5.11, Miscellaneous group settings