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Security Management server
: The server used by the system administrator to manage the security
policy. The organization’s databases and security policies are stored on the Security Management
server and downloaded to the gateway. Smart-1 is a Security Management server.
: GUI applications that are used to manage various aspects of security policy
enforcement. For example, SmartView Tracker is a SmartConsole application that manages logs.
: A SmartConsole GUI application that is used by the system administrator to create
and manage the security policy.
Management High Availability (HA)
: Refers to a configuration in which a primary Security
Management server has one or more backup secondary Security Management servers which are ready
to take over in case of failure of the primary Security Management server.
SmartEvent Terminology
SmartEvent and Reporter Suite:
Includes SmartEvent and SmartReporter.
A system that reads logs and generates events based on an Event Policy. An IPS
event-only version is also available. Based on the configuration, SmartEvent contains these
SmartEvent Client
IPS Event Analysis Client
A GUI that displays events (or IPS events)
in many graphical, list and map forms and provides user control of the policy.
SmartEvent Server
IPS Event Analysis Server
Holds the event (or IPS event) database,
event queries, object values and policy definition.
SmartEvent Correlation Unit:
An engine which reads logs and creates events.
A system that reads logs and generates statistical and data reports. SmartReporter
contains these components:
SmartReporter Client:
A GUI to generate, define and display reports.
SmartReporter Server:
Contains reports, report definitions and report schedules.
Log Consolidator:
Reads logs, consolidates them according to the consolidation policy and
adds them to the SmartReporter database.
Multi-Domain Security Management/Provider-1
The following terms relate to
Multi-Domain Security Management
Multi-Domain Server
: The Multi-Domain Server houses Multi-Domain Security Management system
information including details of the Multi-Domain Security Management deployment, its administrators
and customer management datum. There are two Multi-Domain Server types: the Manager, which runs
the Multi-Domain Security Management deployment, and the Container, which holds the Domain
Management Server. The Manager is the administrator’s entry point into the Multi-Domain Security
Management environment. A Multi-Domain Server can be a Manager, a Container, or both.
Domain Management Server
: The Multi-Domain Security Management equivalent of the Security
Management Server for a single customer. Through the Domain Management Server, an administrator
creates security policies and manages the customer gateways.
SmartDomain Manager
: The primary interface used to handle customer security management by Multi-
Domain Security Management administrators. The SmartDomain Manager is used to update Customer
and gateway information, and to assign and navigate between global policies.
Changes in Multi-Domain Security Management/Provider-1 Terminology
These product names changed starting with R75. The changed names are used throughout this guide:
Name Before R75
Name Starting with R75
(Used in this Guide)
Multi-Domain Security Management
Provider-1 MDG
SmartDomain Manager