DXN Tension Meters are hand-held, mechanical
instruments which accurately measure the running as
well as static tensions of a wide variety of process
materials including yarns, fibers, wires, optical fibers,
tapes, etc. They employ the 3-roller principle for
tension measurement where the outer two reference
guide rollers remain fixed during measurement to
establish a wrap angle over the middle sensing roller.
The middle roller, acting against an internal
calibrating spring, is displaced relative to the running
line tension. This displacement is converted to a rotary
motion to turn a pointer on a scale to give a reading in
grams tension.
6.3 Air Dashpot Damping
DXN Tension Meters incorporate a moderate amount
of movement damping to smooth out some high fre-
quency tension fluctuation. However, where process
fluctuations result in rapid pointer swings which make
it difficult or near impossible to read the scale, an
optionally-available Air Dashpot Damping mechanism
can be provided to
slow down the pointer
swings to permit a
reading. In setting up
the mechanism, it is
best to set the damp-
ing rate just to
the point where a
readable pointer
results with minimal
pointer swings. The amount of damping is set by turn-
ing the small slotted screw or hex-head screw of the
damping assembly located near the guide-roller mount-
ing bracket. The Air Dashpot must be installed at time
of original manufacture. It cannot be added later.
CAUTION: Do not set damping rate too high as
this will damage the movement.
Adjustment Screw