Roland VP-330 MIDI Interface
Model 8-440 ver. 1.0
Copyright © 2015 CHD Elektroservis. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of CHD Elektroservis.
Pic. 3.1
a) Output MIDI – THRU/OUT
The VP330-KBD Interface has both MIDI input and
output. However, only MIDI input is necessary unconditionally
for basic operation of the interface (i.e. controlling the
instrument via MIDI commands). MIDI THRU/OUT output
socket need not to be installed if you don’t require transfer of
MIDI data to another MIDI devices (THRU function) or reverse
communication of the interface with host system (OUT
function). It this case, connector CN2 (M-OUT) on the
interface board will remain unconnected (see pic. 3.1).
b) Switch and indication LED
Pic. 3.2
Installation of bunched cables of switch and indication
LED isn’t also necessary unconditionally. It is not needed to
install the bunched cables if you don’t want to affect the
instrument’s panel by drilling. However, jumper must be
plugged on pins Nr. 3 and 4 of CN3 (CTRL) connector on the
interface board in this case (see pic. 3.2).
It is also possible to install only indication LED on
instrument’s panel. In this case, remove (cut-off) switch from
bunched cables and connect (solder) together two black and
one blue wires leading to the switch originally and insulate the
connection of the wires (see pic. 3.3).
Pic. 3.3
In such “non-invasive” implementation the interface works following way: Immediately after the
instrument is switched on, the interface is activated but it still doesn’t affect the instrument – the
instrument can be used like without the interface. As soon as the first MIDI command is received at
interface’s MIDI input, the indication LED lights red and the interface starts to control the instrument’s
keyboard and pitch shift circuits. If you want to switch the interface off, so that it had no affect on the
instrument, the interface must be reset. It can be done by turning off and on the instrument or by MIDI
command “HW Reset” sent to the interface (see user manual of the interface).