Roland VP-330 MIDI Interface
Model 8-440 ver. 1.0
Copyright © 2015 CHD Elektroservis. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of CHD Elektroservis.
model) printed circuit board of the instrument as shown on pic. 2.1.3. Individual wires of control signals
cable will be connected in accordance with table 1 and pic. 2.5.1.
Pic. 2.5.1
Split up free end of the cable (by ripping or cutting) to individual groups of wires and adjust their
lengths as necessary during the cable installation. Then stripe ends of the wires in length about 2 mm
and tin them. Note that wire Nr. 1 (terminal) is signed with red color.
a) First, FLH16 board must be removed in order to access to AGH19 (AGH17 in older model)
board: Unscrew four self tapping screws from metal holder of FLH16 board (pic. 2.5.2). Keep the
screws. They will be used again after the cable installation.
b) Unplug one connector from the little board on rear panel of instrument and three connectors
from the FLH16 board (pic. 2.5.3) – mark each of the connectors before, so that they are not swapped
when reassembling. Then pull off the holder with FLH16 board out of the instrument.
Pic. 2.5.2
Pic. 2.5.3
c) Lift the keyboard and slide it out of the instrument (pic. 2.5.4). The keyboard is detached
already. The main oscillator board AGH19 / AGH17 is now accessible.
Pic. 2.5.4
Pic. 2.5.5