TFX-DC4 User Manual
2006-01-27 5:37:23 PM
1,725 watt sound-activated controller with individual fader control
Control functions include: auto chase, sound chase, 16 pattern programs to sound or auto, flash, full
on and blackout
4 dimmer faders for manual control
Speed control
Sound sensitivity knob
4 individually fused AC outlets on-board
General Overview
The TFX-DC4 is a very easy to use 4 channel chaser switch pack that also doubles as a 4 channel
dimmer. Five preset programs can be selected instantly from an on-board rotary switch. The
programs consist of a chase, sound chase, two programs with 16-patterns each that can be executed
in both auto and sound modes and a flash program. The Stage 4 can be set to either
Full On
. The channel faders can be used in any chase program or eve
n in the
Full On
setting to
adjust intensity of the lighting fixture.