3. Setup
9/22/2009 11:10 AM
AC Power
This fixture runs on 100~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Before powering on the unit, make sure the line voltage
to which you are connecting it is within the range of accepted voltages.
Always connect the fixture to a switched circuit. Never connect the fixture to a rheostat
(variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel is used only as a 0
to 100% switch.
To determine the power requirements for a particular fixture, see the label affixed to the back plate of
the fixture or refer to the fi
xture’s specifications chart. A fixture’s listed current rating indicates its
average current draw under normal conditions.
Always connect the fixture to a circuit with a suitable electrical ground.
Power Linking
This fixture contains power linking via the edison outlet located in front of the power input cable.
Please see the diagram below for further explanation.
The maximum quantity of fixtures that may be linked is 16.
Additional power
link out