2. Introduction
3/31/2010 5:02 PM
3, 4, 6, 7, 12 or 24-channel DMX-512 LED linear wash light
Operating modes:
3-channel: RGB control
4-channel: RGB, dimmer
6-channel: RGB control of 2 sections
7-channel: RGB, macros, run/strobe speed, automatic/sound, dimmer
12-channel: RGB control of 4 sections (each pair)
24-channel: RGB control of 8 sections (each LED)
Static colors and RGB color mixing with or without DMX controller
Built-in automated programs via master/slave or DMX with variable speed
Built-in sound activated programs via master/slave or DMX
Pulse effect with adjustable speed
A d d i t i o n a l F e at u r e s
High-power, 1 W (350 mA) LEDs
Additional power output: max 12 units
Multiple bracket options allows truss or floor mounting