Chatter Box BiT-3 Manual Download Page 17

• Keep the product away from heating appliances such as stove, gas-stove, micro


wave etc., It may explode.

• Do not try to operate the product while operating a vehicle. This behavior may lead 

to a very dangerous accident.

• If the unit seems to be damaged or malfunctioning, stop using immediately and 

contact the service center.

• Prolonged exposure to a loud sound may damage your eardrums and cause hearing 


Failure to comply with the precautions above will lead to product damage and/or 
Please read the instructions before using the product.

Designs, features, and functions are subject to change for improvement.

Limited warranty

Our limited warranty can cover only 24 months for the main unit and 12 months for 
the battery and accessories.
The warranty period starts at the time of the original purchase by the first end-user.
You can register at ChatterBox website ( for warranty 
services with your purchase receipt. 
In case of returning via courier, the end-user must be able to return the defective 
product with its original package along with a copy of the original purchase receipt 
from the store where the purchase was made.
The warranty service will be provided through the store where the first purchase was 
made. If you have difficulty contacting the store, please contact us at the provided 
contact information in this manual.

Reasons for limited liabilities

If you do not return the product after claiming, you relinquish all rights to liabilities, 
loss, claims, and claims for reimbursement of expense (including attorney’s fees). 
Therefore, Chatterbox will not be liable for physical injury, death, or any loss or dam-
age of transportation means, possessions, or assets which belong to you or third par-
ties that may have occurred while you use the product. Further, ChatterBox will not 
be liable for any substantial damage not related to the condition, environment, or 


Summary of Contents for BiT-3

Page 1: ......

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Page 3: ... 6 InstallationofBiT 3usingcradle 7 3 BUTTONSANDINPUTS 8 4 BASICFUNCTIONS 8 Poweron off 8 Volumeup down 8 Automaticpoweroff 8 VoiceCommand 9 5 MOBILE PHONECONNECTION 9 Mobile phonepairing 9 Secondmobile phonepairing 9 Newmobile phone thethirdmobile phone replacement 9 6 MODECHANGE 9 Musicmode 9 FMradiomode 10 Intercommode 10 Phonemode 10 2 ...

Page 4: switchingdevicebetweenBiT 3andmobile phone 10 8 MUSICMODE 11 Entering Exitingmusicmode 11 Musicplay stop 11 Movingtonextsong previoussong 11 Switchingmusicplaybetweentwopairedmobile phones 11 9 FMRADIOMODE 11 Entering ExitingFMradiomode 11 Playing Mutingradio 11 Scanningchannelup 11 Scanningchanneldown 11 Savingchannel 11 Savedchannelup 11 Savedchanneldown 11 10 INTERCOMMODE 11 Intercompairing...

Page 5: ...chingbetweenintercommodeandUniversalIntercommode 13 12 VOX 13 ActivatingVOX 14 VOXsensitivitysetting 14 13 LANGUAGE 14 Languagesetting 14 14 RESET 14 Rebooting 14 Factorydefaultreset 15 15 SOFTWAREUPGRADE 15 16 SUPPORT 15 Precaution 15 Limitedwarranty 16 Reasonsforlimitedliabilities 16 Limitationofliability 17 Liabilitiesdisclaimer 17 TechnicalInformation 18 Customerservicecenter 18 17 FAQ Frequen...

Page 6: ...ging ConnectthesuppliedUSBcableintoaPCorwallcharger Besuretochargetheproductusingthechargingcableprovided Chargewithanor mal charger of 5V or less than 1 2A Using a high speed charger for mobile phones or a supplementary battery with high speed charging 9V higher than 1 2A may inflatethebattery causeexplosion ordamageinternalcircuits Withnormalcharger ittakes2 5 3hourstofullycharge Chargingtimedep...

Page 7: ...ay be reduced depending on environmental factors and usage Life cycle of Lithium Ion Lithium Polymer battery manufacturer guarantees only 300timesoffullchargesanddischarges Use or store the product at 15 C and 50 C Higher or lower temperatures may causereducedbatterycapacity batterylife ortemporaryinactivity Long exposure of the product to direct sunlight may cause circuit failure or battery failu...

Page 8: ...ightspeaker withthelongerwire tothecorrespondingVelcrodisk that you applied on the helmet liner Attach the left speaker with the shorter wire totheotherVelcrodisk Re installremovedinnerpadbackonthehelmet CAUTION Changing the position of the Velcro stickers for speakers and microphones more than one time may result in poor adhesion You canpurchaseVelcroseparatelyfromourwebsite InstallationofBiT 3us...

Page 9: ...LongpressPOWERbuttonfor3seconds PowerOff LongpressPOWERbuttonfor6seconds CAUTION The power operation cannot be resumed for 8 seconds after the poweristurnedonoroff Pleasetryagainafter8seconds VolumeUp PressthePLUS buttonatintervalsoflongerthan0 5seconds VolumeDown PresstheMINUS buttonatintervalsoflongerthan0 5seconds CAUTION Fast pressing twice in less than 0 5 seconds will result in the next prev...

Page 10: ...shestwice Afterpairingisfinished turnthepoweroftheunitoffandturnontheunitagain topreventasuddenvolumeincrease NOTE for iPhone users After the pairing is done please set the unit at the minimumvolumeleveltopreventsuddenvolumeincrease Secondmobile phonepairing Pairingsequenceisexactlythesameasthefirstmobile phonepairing CAUTION Please make sure that you turn off the Bluetooth function of the first p...

Page 11: ...NFUNCTIONbuttonfor1second Automaticanswering Anincomingcallwhichremainsidleformorethan20sec ondswillbeansweredautomatically Holdingthecurrentcall answeringanotherincomingcall ShortpressMAIN FUNCTIONbuttonfor1second Whileincalling rejectinganotherincomingcall LongpressMAINFUNCTION buttonfor1second Lastnumberredialing LongpressMINUS buttonfor1 5secondsaftermusicis stoppedorFMradioismuted While being...

Page 12: ...ightoccur For certain types of mobile phone music volume can be controlled simultaneously orseparately 9 FM RADIO MODE Entering Exitingradiomode ShortpressMAINFUNCTIONtwice Playing Mutingradio ShortpressMAINFUNCTIONonce Scanningchannelup DoublepressPLUS button Scanningchanneldown DoublepressMINUS button Saving channel After a channel is selected within 10 seconds long press MAIN FUNCTIONbuttonforl...

Page 13: ...reusingintercommode iftheyareseparatedinadistance youcan hear a beep sounds every 15 seconds This beep sounds last 2 minutes and intercom mode is disconnected automatically and goes back to music mode or FM radio mode Ifyouwanttoconnectintercomagain shortpressPOWERbuttononce disconnecting distancesubjecttotheenvironment 11 UNIVERSAL INTERCOM PAIRING UniversalIntercomisa1 1communicationconnectingwi...

Page 14: if they are separated in a distance you can hear beep sounds every 5and15seconds Thesebeepsoundslast2minutesandUniversalIntercommodeis disconnectedautomaticallyandgoesbacktomusicmodeorFMradiomode Whentheotherbrandintercomcomescloseenoughforreconnection youcanhear Bluetooth connected If you want to connect the Universal Intercom again short pressPOWERbuttontwice SwitchingbetweenintercommodeandUn...

Page 15: ...sitive 13 LANGUAGE BiT 3 provides five languages English French German Italian and Spanish for voiceprompt LanguageSetting MakesuretheBiT 3ispoweredoff Long press the POWER button for 8 seconds until the red and blue LEDs flash alternately ShortpressPLUS andMINUS buttonsimultaneouslyfor1second Languageup shortpressPLUS button Languagedown shortpressMINUS button Saveselectedlanguage shortpressMAINF...

Page 16: temperatures of 15 C 50 C Too high and too low temperatures may damage shorten capacity and life of the battery or may cause theproducttobeinoperative Keeptheproductoutofdirectsunlight Exposingtheproducttodirectsunlightmay damagetheelectricalcircuitandbattery Itisparticularlydangeroustoexposethe producttodirectsunlightinaclosedvehicleinsummer Donotapplyanyphysicalimpacttotheunit Itmaycausecircu...

Page 17: ...Box website www chatterboxglobal com for warranty serviceswithyourpurchasereceipt In case of returning via courier the end user must be able to return the defective product with its original package along with a copy of the original purchase receipt fromthestorewherethepurchasewasmade Thewarrantyservicewillbeprovidedthroughthestorewherethefirstpurchasewas made If you have difficulty contacting the...

Page 18: ...its its liability to repair replace ment or refund of the purchase price paid at Chatterbox s option This disclaimer of liabilityfordamageswillnotbeaffectedifanyremedyprovidedhereinshallfailofits essential purpose In any case the total compensation liabilities of ChatterBox or its salesagentsshallnotexceedthepricepaidfortheproductbythepurchaser Liabilitiesdisclaimer Inadditiontodamageswhichmayoccu...

Page 19: ...lass1 BATTERYCAPACITY 3 7V550mAh AUDIOPOWER 250mWX2 CONTINUOUSOPERATINGHOURS 11hours STANDBYHOURS 284hours 11days OPERATINGTEMPERATURES 15 C 50 C DIMENSIONS 69x37x17mm WEIGHT 50g cradleincluded CERTIFICATIONS FCC CE KCCertified CustomerservicecenterinUSA Address 11627TelegraphRd Suite 103SantaFeSprings CA90670USA Website www chatterboxusa com CustomerservicecenterinEUROPE Address Talstrasse39D 778...

Page 20: ...metalplateandhumanbody Thehumanbodyconsistsof70 water Therefore Bluetoothcommunicationcannotbeconnectedwellthroughbody Thisphenom enoncanhappenwhenyouhaveyourmobile phoneinyourbackpocket Q Batterylifebecameshorter A LifecycleofLithiumIon LithiumPolymerbattery manufacturerguaranteesonly 300timesoffullchargesanddischarges 300timesoflifecyclemeans ifyouuse thefullcapacityofthebatteryeveryday youcanus...

Page 21: ...urlastuseandthebatterydischarges under2 0V youcannotchargetheproductagain Youneedtoreplacethebattery attheservicecenter Also ifyoutriedtochargetheproductwithfastcharger 9V over1 2A thebatteryorcircuitmightburnout Inthesetwocasesservicecannot becoveredbythewarranty Many other FAQ are well described at our homepage Please visit our website and readcarefully FormoredetailedFAQinformation pleaseaccess...

Page 22: ...hing music play be tween two paired mobile phones Entering FM Radio mode Searching channel Play FM Radio mute Saving channel Change saved channel Intercom connection Intercom disconnection Universal Intercom discon nection Long press PLUS button after stopping Music or FM Radio Whilebeingonthephone simultaneouslypressPLUS and MINUS buttons for 1 5 seconds After pressing POWER button for 8 seconds ...

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Page 24: ...ChatterBox U S A 11627Telegraph Rd Suite 103 Santa Fe Springs California USA www chatterboxusa com ...
