GO ECO Range
Issue 01.1 05/17
adhesive continuously onto the mounting face and apply the new rope evenly all
around. NOTE: Ensure NO gaps at the meeting ends of any continuous loops or
butt joints and that the rope sits properly into corners. Close the stove door and
leave to dry for several hours before firing. Seals can be tested by trapping a strip
of paper and closing the door on it. If the paper is trapped then the seal is
working. If the paper pulls out them something is wrong.
Re-painting: All matt black solid fuel stoves will require some re-painting from
time to time. The stove can simply be re-painted by using stove spray paint or
high temperature coatings after rubbing down with wire wool or similar abrasive
to remove all loose debris from the surfaces.
Re-assembly: This is the reverse of the dismantling procedure – again taking
particular care not to drop the firebox liners onto the cast iron grate as re-
assembly takes place.