How does this thing work?
You’ll think it’s magic, but it’s
really simply using two
methods of heat transfer.
First, the propane burner
heats the air between the
cooking chamber and the
outside of The Big Easy
This hot air, also known as
convective heat, warms the
cooking chamber before it
escapes out the top. The
cooking chamber absorbs the
heat and radiates it to the
inside as TRU-Infrared heat.
By converting the hot air, or
convective heat, into TRU-
Infrared, radiant heat, food
cooked in The Big Easy
is moist and juicy.
Do I need to soak the wood chips in water?
No. Soaking the wood chips in water before use will
not extend the smoking time; only lengthen the time
before they start to smoke.
Can I cook a frozen turkey?
No. Turkey must be completely thawed and you should
always remove the giblets, neck and anything from
inside the cavity before cooking.
How should I prepare poultry?
The turkey or chicken must be completely thawed and
you should always remove the giblets, neck and
anything from inside the cavity before cooking.
Remove the metal or plastic tie that may be used to
bind the legs together before putting the turkey in the