Real wood chips will smoke for 45 minutes in the smoke
box. Wood pellets will smoke almost twice as long. When
refilling the smoke box, leave a few burning embers to help
start the new chips or pellets smoking. If you have no
embers left or want to start with a full box of fresh chips or
pellets, simply fill no higher than the top of the smoker box
and preheat on HIGH for approximately 15 minutes or until
they begin to smoke. Don’t forget to turn the Power Level
back to the original setting. The 15 minutes of cook time
on HIGH will not affect your overall cooking results.
It is normal for some smoke to leak out around the edges
of the smoker box on LOW. If burner is left on HIGH
setting, wood chips will burn too fast and an excessive
amount of smoke will escape around the edges of the
smoker box.
Cooking on HIGH with The Big Easy
will allow you to
prepare Rotisserie Chicken and other recipes without the
hassles of traditional rotisserie cooking. When roasting
with The Big Easy
, there are no forks and spit rod to
balance or troublesome flare-ups to control. No pre-
heating is required. Place the food in the cooking basket.
(Food placed higher in the basket using the cooking racks
will cook faster.) Lower the cooking basket with your food
inside into the cooking chamber. Turn to HIGH and ignite
the burner.
Start out with the lid closed. If your food browns faster
than you like, simply open the lid to finish cooking your
food to the proper internal temperature.
This is also how you can make a delicious, safe and healthy
Southern Fried Turkey – without gallons of oil to purchase
or recycle.