MagicHD User Manual
The stand-alone version always starts full screen, ready to start (or continue) a show. This is
because there will not normally be any user interaction with MagicHD. There might not even be a
keyboard connected.
When the combined version detects a PC wing, or other MagicQ console that has encoder wheels, it
also starts full screen, if it was last used in full screen mode. The assumption is that this setup is part
of a show and the user does not want to waste time positioning the window.
Note that on a system with a single screen, if you press F11, the MagicHD window will take over
the screen and the mouse cursor will vanish. This can be confusing because it appears that you have
lost control of the computer. Just press F11 again to leave fullscreen mode.
3.5 Settings
There are only a few settings for the user to alter, to configure MagicHD. Nearly everything is done
via DMX.
Stand-alone Version
The stand-alone MagicHD has a simple menu bar.
Change the universe and DMX protocol that MagicHD responds to
Version and status information
Close the MagicHD window
Full Screen
Toggle full screen mode
Media Convert Media
Force conversion of all media in the convert directory
(see section 4)
Stop Conversion
Stop media conversion if it is in progress
Rebuild Index
Force the media index to be rebuilt
Rebuild Thumbnails
Force all thumbnails to be rebuilt
Combined Version
MagicHD settings are accessed from the Media Player sub-menu in MagicQ PC:
View Media Output
Toggle the MagicHD window
Select Player
From the patched MagicHDs in the show, select which one to emulate
in the local window
Load MagicHD Demo
Load the MagicHD demo show, and open the player window
Full Screen
Toggle full screen mode
Convert Media
Force conversion of all media in the convert directory (see section 4)
Stop Conversion
Stop media conversion if it is in progress
Rebuild Index
Force the media index to be rebuilt
Rebuild Thumbnails
Force all thumbnails to be rebuilt
Deploy Media
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