Chapter 2
CN24 (CBOX™ 2 Front Audio Connector):
This connector give you the option of a front panel audio jack cable ext. to be plug
into a special custom designed system case.
Simply remove the two jumper caps at pin [
] and [
] then plug it into the
(optional) cable ext. connector. Pin [
] and [
] are shorted (default) to enable
the back panel audio function.
CN25 (CBOX™ 2 DigiDoc System Display Connector):
CBOX™ 2 features CHAINTECH’s exclusive DigiDoc, the most advance system
diagnostic monitoring display.
80-PORT diagnostic display during POST at system boot up!
CPU temperature monitoring, your system stays cool always!
DigiDoc is the doctor for your system!
Please refer to Appendix
Digidoc 80-Port POST Error Code List
for the detail.
Chapter 2
IR 1 (IR Connector):
Select a UART Mode in BIOS's Integrated Peripherals menu the UART port to
support IR function. (See section
Super I/O Device of
Integrated Peripherals
PT 6 / 7 / 8 (IEEE1394 Connector)
These connectors are for the bundled IEEE 1394 serial connector cables that connect
to the IEEE 1394 bracket. Attach the cable to these connectors, and the CBOX™2
Front panel’s IEEE 1394.