CHAFFOTEAUX ARIANEXT COMPACT Installation And Servicing Instructions Download Page 80














To set the temperature adjustment parameters, simultaneously press 
and hold the back “

 “ and “OK” buttons until “Enter code” appears 

on the display. Turn the knob to enter the technical code (234) then 
press OK; the display will show 

Technical area.

Turn the knob and select

- Complete 


Press the OK button.

Turn the knob and select:

Zone 1 Parameters

Press the OK button. Turn the knob and select:


Zone 1 settings

Press the OK button. Turn the knob and select:

4.2.0  Zone 1 Temperature range

Press the OK button. Turn the knob and select the temperature range:
0 low 


1 high 


Press the OK button to confi rm. Turn the knob and select:

4.2.1 Thermoregulation

Press the OK button.
Turn the knob and set the type of temperature adjustment installed:

- 0 Fixed fl ow temperature
- 1 Basic Thermoregulation
-  2  Room T Only
-  3  Outdoor T Only
-  4  Room + Outdoor T

Press the OK button. Turn the knob and select:

4.2.2 Slope

Press the OK button. Turn the knob and set the curve in accordance 
with the type of heating system and press the OK button.
-  low temperature system




curve between 0.2 and 0.8

-  high temperature system

curve between 1.0 and 3.5

The checking process for the suitability of the curve requires a long pe-
riod of time during which several adjustments may be necessary. When 
the outdoor temperature falls (winter) three conditions may arise:
1.  the temperature of the room may fall, indicating that a steeper curve 

should be set

2. the temperature of the room may rise, indicating that a gentler 

curve should be set

3. the temperature of the room remains constant, indicating that the 

set curve is exactly right

Once you have found the curve which maintains the room temperature 
at a constant level, check the actual temperature value.
Turn the knob and select:

4.2.3 Offset

Press the OK button. Turn the knob and set the most suitable value.
Press the OK button to confi rm.

If the room temperature is higher than the desired value the curve 
must be shifted lower. If, on the other hand, the room temperature 
is too low the curve should be shifted upwards. If the temperature 
of the room corresponds with the desired value, the curve is in the 
right position.
In the graph below, the curves have been divided into two groups:
-  low temperature systems
-  high temperature systems 
The two groups are divided based on the different point of origin of 
the curves for high-temperature systems, which is +10°C, a cor-
rection which is usually made to the fl ow temperature in this type of 
system, during climatic adjustment.

Turn the knob and select:

4.2.4 Room Infl uence Proportional

Press the OK button.
Turn the knob and set the most suitable value, then press the OK 
button. The infl uence of the room sensor can be adjusted to a value 
between 20 (maximum infl uence) and 0 (no infl uence). This means 
the contribution of the room temperature to the fl ow temperature 
calculation can be adjusted.
Turn the knob and select:

4.2.5  Maximum temperature

Press the OK button.
Turn the knob and set the most suitable value, then press the OK but-
Turn the knob and select:

4.2.6  Minimum temperature

Press the OK button.
Turn the knob and set the most suitable value, then press the OK but-

Repeat the steps described to set the values for zones 2 and 3, se-
lecting menus 5 and 6.

For the correct operation of the types of thermoregulation: 2. 
Room T Only, 3.Outdoor T Only, 4. Room + Outdoor T,  the pa-
rameter 17.1.1 must be set to value 1, or the function SRA must 
be enabled.































-20 °C

room t



e se

t-point valu

low t




high t




fl ow t



e to 

the s


outdoor temperature

curves graph

Summary of Contents for ARIANEXT COMPACT

Page 1: ...ACT Notice technique d installation et d entretien Cette notice est destinée aux appareils installés en France IT Istruzioni tecniche per l installazione e la manutenzione Installation and Servicing Instructions GB OK ...

Page 2: ...toyage de l installation 15 Evacuation de la soupape 15 Vase d expansion 15 Remplissage 15 Préparation à la mise en route 15 Raccordement électrique Raccordements électriques 16 Raccordement électrique de l unité extérieure 17 Raccordement électrique de l unité intérieure 18 Sonde extérieure 18 Connexions externes du système 19 Schéma électrique du système 20 Installation de l interface du système...

Page 3: ...permettent de prévenir toute chute que l espace parcouru en cas de chute ne soit pas encombré d objets dangereux et que l impact éventuel soit amorti par des supports semi rigides ou déformables Lésions provoquées par la chute d une hauteur élevée S assurer que le lieu de travail dispose de conditions hygiéniques et sanitaires adéquates en ce qui concerne l éclairage l aération la solidité des str...

Page 4: ...e à un raccordement hydraulique erroné contact direct fer cuivre raccordement électrique défectueux et non conforme aux normes d installation mise à la terre incorrecte section de câble insuffisante non respect du schéma de raccordement prescrit etc mise sous tension de l appareil sans remplissage préliminaire Entretien insuffisant incrustation anormale des corps chauffants et des organes de sécurit...

Page 5: ... le départ chauffage du plancher suivant les recommandations DTU 65 11 Pour la connexion électrique du thermostat voir paragraphe Raccordements Electriques Dans le cas d une température départ trop élevée le système s arrêtera aussi bien en sanitaire qu en chauffage et sur l afficheur apparaît le code erreur 936 thermostat plancher ouvert Le système redémarre à la fermeture du thermostat à réarmeme...

Page 6: ...rigérant Appliquer un appareil de dosage disponible dans le commerce sur le tube à manchon pour vaporiser le réfrigérant liquide avant l entrée dans l unité Le fluide frigorigène R 410A comme tous les autres HFC n est compatible qu avec les huiles recommandées par le constructeur des compresseurs La pompe à vide n est pas suffisante pour libérer l huile de l humi dité Les huiles POE absorbent rapide...

Page 7: ... du type Y et le remplace ment du câble doit donc être effectué uniquement par l assis tance technique afin de prévenir des risques de toute nature Pour le câblage utiliser des câbles recommandés et les brancher solidement aux bornes correspondantes S assurer qu on dispose d un raccordement à la terre d un calibre adéquat une mise à la terre incorrecte pourrait provoquer des décharges électriques N...

Page 8: ... du système couper l alimentation électrique Cet appareil sert à produire de l eau chaude à usage domestique Il doit être raccordé à une installation de chauffage adaptée à ses per formances et à sa puissance Toute utilisation autre que celle prévue est interdite Le fabricant ne peut en aucun cas être tenu responsable de dommages dérivant d une utilisation incorrecte ou du non respect des instruct...

Page 9: ...ARIANEXT FSP 2 Zones A Eau chaude venant de l unité extérieure G1 M B Eau froide allant vers l unité extérieure G1 M C Départ eau chaude Zone 1 G1 M D Retour eau froide Zone 1 G1 M E Départ eau chaude Zone 2 G1 M F Retour eau froide Zone 2 G1 M G Sortie eau chaude sanitarie G M H Entrèe eau froide sanitarie G M ARIANEXT FSP Kg 1 ZONE 120 2 ZONES 130 Démontage du panneau avant Attention Avant toute...

Page 10: ...tomatique 13 Thermistance départ Zone 1 14 Thermistance retour Zone 1 15 Circulateur modulant Zone 1 16 Thermistance départ chauffage 17 Vanne de derivation 18 Purgeur manuel 19 Dégazeur automatique 20 Sécurité automatique 21 Sécurité manuelle 22 Résistance appoint chauffage 2 kW 2kW 23 Thermistance retour chauffage 1 Circulateur 2 Vanne 3 bars 3 Purgeur manuel 4 Manomètre 5 Vase d expansion 6 Pre...

Page 11: les pressions disponibles seront à gérer différemment Dans tous les cas les courbes prennent en compte les pertes de charge de l unité extérieure Ainsi il n est nécessaire de calculer uniquement les pertes de charge de l ensemble des cir cuits pour vérifier que l installation est correctement définie Les plages de débit de fonctionnement pour un delta T compris entre 5 et 7 C en fonction du modèl...

Page 12: ...e circuit chauffage ouvrir les robinets départ chauffage et retour chauffage ouvrir les robinets de remplissage du circuit chauffage refermer les robinets lorsque l aiguille du manomètre se situe à la pression désirée purger l installation rétablir la pression et vérifier les étanchéités Graphique 1 FSP 1 Zone Graphique 2 FSP 2 Zones Graphique 3 FSP 2 Zones Pression disponible à repartir sur l inst...

Page 13: ... signalétiques Le raccordement électrique doit être réalisé à l aide d un raccordement fixe ne pas utiliser de prise mobile et doté d un interrupteur bipolaire disposant d une distance d ouverture des contacts d au moins 3 mm Il est indispensable de relier les unités à une installation de mise à la terre efficace pour garantir la sécurité de les unités Raccorder le câble d alimentation à un réseau 2...

Page 14: ...n dans le système couper l alimentation élec trique par l interrupteur bipolaire extérieur Pour accéder aux borniers de raccordement électrique procéder comme suit dévisser les 2 vis rep A puis ouvrir le couvercle rep B On y trouve les connexions pour RS 485 Communication avec l unité extérieure Respecter la polarisation 1 relié au 1 du bornier de la pompe à chaleur 2 au 2 ANODE Connection de l an...


Page 16: base de l interface de système il faut faire glisser la languette de protection du connecteur et la soulever fig 1 raccorder la paire de fils au connecteur comme expliqué page sui vante et rabattre la languette de protection fig 2 ouvrir les trous nécessaires à la fixation fixer la base de l appareil au boîtier mural à l aide des vis fournies dans le kit fig 3 installer l interface de système sur la ...

Page 17: ...ure ambiante désirée Température ambiante détectée Température ambiante désirée dérogation Température extérieure SRA Fonction SRA activée Fonction VACANCES activée Chauffage activé ECS activée Signalement d erreur CONFORT Fonction confort activée Menu complet Réglages chauffage Réglages ECS Performances énergétique Langue date et écran Chauffage au sol Collecteur solaire Circulateur Vanne déviatr...

Page 18: ... Heures Pleines Heures Creuses non défini 942 Contact délestage non défini Tournez le bouton et sélectionnez 17 0 Parametre Utilisateur Appuyez sur la touche OK Tournez le bouton et sélectionnez 17 0 0 Mode chauffage Appuyez sur la touche OK Tournez le bouton et sélectionnez 0 Green exclut l utilisation des résistances 1 Standard Appuyez sur la touche OK Tournez le bouton et sélectionnez 17 01 Mode ...

Page 19: ...8 20 3 Chauffage fonctionnel chauffage prêt Séchage de dalle effectué à température fixe de 55 C pendant 6 jours et ensuite à température variable de 25 C à 55 C pendant 18 jours selon le profil ci dessous 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 Chauffage prêt chauffage fonctionnel Séchage de dalle effectué à température variable de 25 C à 55 C pendant les 18 premiers jours et ensuite à t...

Page 20: parallèle de pente Appuyez sur la touche OK Tournez le bouton et sélectionnez la valeur plus appropriée Appuyez sur la touche OK pour valider REMARQUE Si la température ambiante est plus élevée que la valeur souhaitée il faut déplacer la courbe parallèlement vers le bas Tandis que si la température ambiante est plus basse il faut la déplacer parallèlement vers le haut Si la température ambiante...

Page 21: ... Basse température Haute température Haute température 4 2 1 Sélection type thermorégulation Température départ fixe Thermostat ON OFF Sonde ambiante seule Sonde externe seule Sonde ambiante externe Thermostat ON OFF 4 2 2 Pente de thermorégulation 1 5 4 2 3 Décallage parallèle de pente 0 4 2 4 Compensation d ambiance 20 LT 10 HT 4 2 5 Réglage T max CH zone 1 45 LT 60 HT 4 2 6 Réglage T min CH zone...

Page 22: ... thermorégulation 0 6 5 2 3 Décallage parallèle de pente 0 5 2 4 Compensation d ambiance 20 LT 10 HT 5 2 5 Réglage T max CH zone 2 45 LT 60 HT 5 2 6 Réglage T min CH zone 2 20 LT 20 HT 5 3 DIAGNOSTIC ZONE 2 5 3 0 Température ambiante zone 2 5 3 1 Consigne T chauffage zone 2 5 3 2 Température départ chauffage 5 3 3 Température retour chauffage 5 3 4 Statut demande chauffage zone 2 OFF ON 5 3 5 Stat...

Page 23: usine module n 1 Réinitialiser OK Oui esc Non 17 PARAMETRÉ SYSTEME PAC 17 0 PARAMETRE UTILISATEUR 17 0 0 Mode chauffage Mode Green Mode Standard Mode Green 17 0 1 Mode nuit réduit PAC OFF ON OFF 17 0 2 Début mode nuit PAC hh mm 22 00 17 0 3 Fin mode nuit PAC hh mm 06 00 17 0 4 Fonction BOOST ECS OFF ON OFF 17 1 ENERGY MANAGER PARTIE 1 17 1 0 Schema hydraulique Non défini Arianext Plus Arianext C...

Page 24: ...5 17 4 1 Réglage ECO ECS 35 17 4 2 Heures pleines Heures creuses Non défini Désactivé Activé Non défini 17 4 3 Fonction COMFORT Désactivée Temporisée Toujours active Heures creuses Heures pleines Heures creuses Heures pleines 40 C Toujours active 17 4 4 Temps max PAC seule 120 min 17 4 5 Fonction anti bactérie OFF ON OFF 17 4 6 Fréquence fonction anti bactérie 528 h 17 4 7 T consigne fonction anti b...

Page 25: ...êt Chauffage prêt chauffage fonctionnel Manuel OFF 17 7 2 Total jours restants séchage 17 7 3 Jours restants en T maximale 17 7 4 Jours restants en T progressive 17 8 STATISTIQUE ENERGY MANAGER 17 8 0 Temps marche PAC h 10 17 8 1 Nombre démarrages PAC nb 10 17 8 2 Temps résistance PAC h 10 17 8 3 Temps cycles dégivrage h 10 17 9 DIAGNOSTIC PAC 1 17 9 0 Température extérieure PAC 17 9 1 Température...

Page 26: ...eminée Séchage de dalle chauffage non disponible pilotage manuel PAC erreur Initialisation off rafraîchissement 17 11 1 Température réglage chauffage 17 11 2 T départ installation chauffage 17 11 3 T retour installation chauffage 17 11 4 Température ballon 17 11 5 Statut circulateur circuit primaire OFF ON OFF 17 11 7 Etat contact EDF OFF Actif 17 11 8 Contact délestage OFF Actif 17 12 HISTORIQUE ...

Page 27: ...rature d aller 29 Panne compresseur AFFICHEUR DESCRIPTION 1 14 Anomalie sonde extérieure 4 20 Surcharge alimentation BUS 7 01 Anomalie sonde départ zone 1 7 02 Anomalie sonde départ zone 2 7 03 Anomalie sonde départ zone 3 N A 7 11 Anomalie sonde retour zone 1 7 12 Anomalie sonde retour zone 2 7 13 Anomalie sonde retour zone 3 N A 7 22 Surchauffe zone 2 7 23 Surchauffe zone 3 N A 9 02 Anomalie déb...

Page 28: ...ur principal est mis en route si la température de retour d eau au cas ou la sonde correspondante est endommagée la température de départ d eau est considérée de l unité extérieure est égale ou inférieure à 7 C pendant 2 minutes Le circulateur s arrête lorsque cette température devient supérieure à 8 C protection anti gel de l unité intérieure le circulateur principal est mis en route si la tempér...

Page 29: Nombre 1 1 1 Type de démarrage Progressif Progressif Progressif Condenseur Type Echangeur à plaques Echangeur à plaques Echangeur à plaques Nombre 1 1 1 Evaporateur Type Tubes ailettés Tubes ailettés Tubes ailettés Poids Poids kg 60 6 65 7 71 4 Plage de fonctionnement T eau chauffage min max C 20 60 C 20 60 C 20 60 C T air extérieur min max C 20 30 C 20 30 C 20 30 C Hydraulique Volume d eau l 0...

Page 30: ...ssions électromagnétiques EN 60730 1 Conformité standard EN 60730 1 Sonde de température NTC 5 k 1 Indice de résolution 0 1 C 134 mm 16 mm 96 mm Expert Control Sonde extérieure Placer la sonde extérieure sur une façade de l immeuble exposée au nord à au moins 2 5 m du sol en évitant son exposition aux rayons directs du soleil Retirer le couvercle fig A et fixer la sonde à l aide de la cheville et de...

Page 31: ...l échangeur à plaques de l unité extérieure et les résistances d appoint Nous conseillons l utilisation de produits antigels contenant du GLYCOL de la série PROPYLENIQUE anti corrosif par exemple le CILLICHEMIE CILLIT cc 45 qui est atoxique et qui possède en même temps une fonction d antigel anti incrustation et anticorrosion selon les doses prescrites par le fabricant et en fonction de la tempéra...

Page 32: impianto 42 Valvole di sicurezza 42 Collegamento vaso di espansione 42 Riempimento dell impianto 42 Preparazione alla messa in funzione dell impianto 42 Collegamenti elettrici Collegamenti elettrici 43 Collegamento elettrico dell unità esterna 44 Collegamento elettrico dell unità interna 44 Schema elettrico 45 Installazione dell interfaccia di sistema 46 Messa in funzione Indicazioni display ...

Page 33: ...bero da ostacoli pericolosi che l eventuale impatto sia attutito da superfici di arresto semirigide o deformabili Lesioni personali per la caduta dall alto Assicurarsi che il luogo di lavoro abbia adeguate condizioni igie nico sanitarie in riferimento all illuminazione all aerazione alla solidità Lesioni personali per urti inciampi ecc Proteggere con adeguato materiale l apparecchio e le aree in pr...

Page 34: ...male delle componenti idrauliche dovuta a raccordi errati contatto diretto ferro rame Connessioni elettriche difettose o non conformi alle norme di ins tallazione messa a terra non corretta sezione dei cavi insufficiente non rispetto dello schema di connessioni elettriche indicato Messa in tensione del sistema prima del riempimento idraulico La garanzia non si applica nei casi di manutenzione insuf...

Page 35: bassa temperatura 6 Controllo Remoto Expert Control 7 Filtro 8 Cartuccia antigelo Pompa ausiliaria non in dotazione Legenda 1 Unità Interna 2 Unità esterna 3 Sonda esterna 4 Due zone riscaldamento alta e bassa temperatura 5 Due zone riscaldamento bassa temperatura 6 Due zone riscaldamento alta temperatura 7 Controllo Remoto Expert Control 8 Comando Remoto Zone Control 9 Filtro 10 Cartuccia anti...

Page 36: ...n posizione verticale con la valvola in posizione superiore I sistemi R 410A devono essere riempiti con il liquido refrigerante indicato Applicare un dosatore disponibile in commercio sul tubo a manicotto al fine di vaporizzare il liquido refrigerante prima dell in gresso nell unità esterna Il liquido refrigerante R 410A come tutti i fluidi HFC è compatibile esclusivamente con gli oli raccomandati d...

Page 37: ...o per l unità esterna Attenzione Al fine di non danneggiare i componenti elettronici collegare in maniera opportuna tutti i cavi forniti Per le connessioni utilizzare esclusivamente i cavi consigliati e pro vvedere al collegamento presso i connettori indicati Assicurarsi che i collegamenti di terra siano adeguatamente dimen sionati una messa a terra inadeguata può causare dispersioni dei carichi el...

Page 38: riparazione nel sis tema è necessario togliere l alimentazione elettrica staccando l alimentazione del sistema Eventuali riparazioni effettuate utilizzando esclusivamente ricambi originali devono essere eseguite solamente da tecnici qualificati Il mancato rispetto di quanto sopra può compromettere la sicurezza dell apparecchio e fa decadere ogni responsabilità del costruttore Per la pulizia dell...

Page 39: ... 1 M C Mandata acqua calda verso l impianto ZONA 1 G 1 M D Ritorno acqua fredda dall impianto ZONA 1 G 1 M E Mandata acqua calda verso l impianto ZONA 2 G 1 M F Ritorno acqua fredda dall impianto ZONA 2 G 1 M G Uscita acqua calda sanitaria G M H Ingresso acqua fredda sanitaria G M A B G H C D E F 144 268 343 418 1367 1219 1342 1267 1287 1212 598 609 1683 18 ARIANEXT FSP Kg 1 ZONE 120 2 ZONES 130 A...

Page 40: ...e Zona 1 16 Sonda di temperatura mandata all impianto di riscaldamento 17 Valvola deviatrice 18 Valvola di scarico 19 Degasatore automatico 20 Termostato di sicurezza a riarmo automatico 21 Termostato di sicurezza a riarmo manuale 22 Resistenza di back up per riscaldamento 2 kW 2kW 23 Sonda di temperatura ritorno dall impianto di riscaldamento 1 Circolatore 2 Valvola di sicurezza 3 bar 3 Valvola d...

Page 41: ...le perdite di carico dell intero circuito per verificare che l installazione sia stata effettuata correttamente I campi di portata per un delta T compreso tra 5 e 7 C in funzione della taglia di unità esterna scelta sono rappresentati in grassetto sulle curve grafici 1 e 2 Unità interna 1 zona Il circuito idraulico dell unità esterna e quello dell impianto di riscaldamento sono collegati in serie Pe...

Page 42: ...corrosione del sistema Preparazione alla messa in funzione dell impianto del circuito di riscaldamento Aprire i rubinetti del circuito di mandata e ritorno all impianto di ris caldamento Aprire i rubinetti di riempimento del circuito di riscaldamento Richiudere i rubinetti non appena la lancetta del manometro si trova in corrispondenza della pressione desiderata Disareare l impianto ristabilire la...

Page 43: ...che l installazione sia adeguata a sostenere il consumo di potenza delle unità installate indicata sulla targa caratteristica del prodotto Le connessioni elettriche dovranno essere eseguite con l ausilio di un supporto fisso non utilizzare prese mobili e dotato di un interruttore bipo lare dotato di una distanza tra i contatti di almeno 3 mm È indispensabile connettere il sistema ad un impianto ele...

Page 44: ...edere al quadro elettrico dell unità interna rimuovere le due viti indicate in figura A ed estrarre il coperchio del quadro elettrico B All apertura del quadro si troveranno le seguenti connessioni RS 485 Comunicazione con l unità esterna Rispettare le polarizzazioni L indicazione 1 sulla morsettiera si riferisce alla connessione 1 sulla pompa di calore 2 si riferisce alla connessione 2 sulla pompa...


Page 46: ...eve es sere effettuato prima del collegamento alla linea BUS prima di collegare i fili alla base dell interfaccia di sistema far scor rere la linguetta di protezione del connettore e sollevarla fig 1 collegare la coppia di fili al connettore come spiegato nella pagina seguente e richiudere la linguetta di protezione fig 2 aprire i fori necessari per il fissaggio fissare la base dell apparecchio alla sca...

Page 47: ...a ambiente rilevata Temperatura ambiente desiderata deroga Temperatura esterna SRA Funzione SRA attiva Funzione VACANZA attiva Riscaldamento attivo Sanitario attivo Segnalazione errore COMFORT Funzione comfort attiva Menu completo Impostazioni riscaldamento Impostazioni acqua calda Prestazioni sistema Opzioni schermo Impianto a pavimento Circolatore Valvola deviatrice S2 Sonda bollitore bassa S3 S...

Page 48: ...ulico 941 Contatto tariffa ridotta non presente 942 Selezionare configurazione contatto parzializzazione carico elettrico Ruotare la manopola e selezionare 17 0 Parametri utente Premere il tasto OK Ruotare la manopola e selezionare 17 0 0 Impostazione Riscaldamento Premere il tasto OK Ruotare la manopola e selezionare 0 Green esclude le resistenze elettriche per l integrazione del riscaldamento 1 S...

Page 49: ...6 18 20 3 Funzionale Pronto posa riscaldamento del massetto a temperatura fissa di 55 C per un pe riodo di 6 giorni a temperatura variabile da 25 C a 55 C secondo il periodo indicato nel grafico nei 18 giorni seguenti 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 Pronto posa Funzionale riscaldamento del massetto a temperatura variabile da 25 C a 55 C secondo il periodo indicato nel grafico per u...

Page 50: ...e il valore della stessa Ruotare la manopola e selezionare 4 2 3 Spostamento Parallelo premere il tasto OK Ruotare la manopola ed impostare il valore più idoneo Premere il tasto OK per confermare IMPORTANTE Se la temperatura ambiente risulta maggiore del valore desiderato bisogna traslare parallelamente la curva verso il basso Se invece la temperatura ambiente risulta minore bisogna traslarla para...

Page 51: ...0 Range Temperatura Bassa Temperatura Alta Temperatura Alta Temperatura 4 2 1 Selezione Tipologia Termoregolazione Temperatura Fissa di Mandata Dispositivi ON OFF Solo Sonda Ambiente Solo Sonda Esterna Sonda Ambiente Sonda Esterna Dispositivi ON OFF 4 2 2 Curva Termoregolazione 1 5 4 2 3 Spostamento Parallelo 0 4 2 4 Influenza Ambiente Proporzionale 20 LT 10 HT 4 2 5 Max T 45 LT 60 HT 4 2 6 Min T 2...

Page 52: ...ente Sonda Esterna Dispositivi ON OFF 5 2 2 Curva Termoregolazione 0 6 5 2 3 Spostamento Parallelo 0 5 2 4 Influenza Ambiente Proporzionale 20 LT 10 HT 5 2 5 Max T 45 LT 60 HT 5 2 6 Min T 20 LT 20 HT 5 3 Diagnostica Zona 2 5 3 0 Temperatura Ambiente 5 3 1 Temperatura Set ambiente 5 3 2 Temperatura mandata 5 3 3 Temperatura ritorno 5 3 4 Stato Richiesta Calore Z2 OFF ON 5 3 5 Stato Pompa OFF ON 5 4 ...

Page 53: ...esc No 17 PARAMETRI Sistema Pompa di Calore 17 0 Parametri utente 17 0 0 Impostazione Riscaldamento Green Standard Green 17 0 1 Attivazione modo silenzioso OFF ON 17 0 2 Ora attivazione modo silenzioso 22 00 17 0 3 Ora disattivazione modo silenzioso 06 00 17 0 4 BOOST acqua sanitaria OFF ON 0 17 1 Impostazioni 1 17 1 0 Schema Idraulico Nessuno Arianext Plus Arianext Compact Arianext Flex Nessuno 1...

Page 54: ...17 4 0 Temp Comfort Sanitario 55 17 4 1 Temperatura Ridotta Sanitario 35 17 4 2 Contatto tariffa ridotta FR 1 Non definito 2 Assente 3 Presente 0 17 4 3 Funzione Comfort 0 Disabilitata 1 Temporizzata 2 Sempre Attiva 3 HC HP 4 HC HP 40 C 2 17 4 4 Massimo tempo di caricamento 120 min 17 4 5 Funzione di Sanificazione Termica OFF ON OFF 17 4 6 Frequenza Sanificazione Termica 528 h 17 4 7 Set Temp Sanifica...

Page 55: 17 7 3 gg restanti asciugatura funzionale 17 7 4 gg restanti asciugatura pronto posa 17 8 Statistiche 17 8 0 Ore di funzionam pompa calore h 10 17 8 1 Cicli pompa calore n 10 17 8 2 Ore di funz pompa cal res h 10 17 8 3 Ore di sbrinamento h 10 17 9 Diagnostica Pompa Calore 1 17 9 0 Temp Aria Ext 17 9 1 Temp mandata acqua pompa calore 17 9 2 Temp ritorno acqua pompa calore 17 9 3 Temp evaporator...

Page 56: ...nuale errore inizializzazione off raffrescamento 17 11 1 Temp mandata riscaldamento 17 11 2 Temp ritorno riscaldamento 17 11 3 Temperatura accumulo sanitario 17 11 4 Stato circolatore primario 17 11 5 Sensore di Pressione OFF ON OFF 17 11 7 Stato contatto tariffa ridotta Attivo OFF 17 11 8 Stato contatto parz carico el Attivo OFF 17 12 Storico errori 17 12 0 Ultimi 10 errori 17 12 1 Cancella memor...

Page 57: ... A Non Applicabile Sovraccarico alimentazione BUS E possibile il verificarsi di un errore di sovraccarico alimentazione BUS dovuta alla connessione di tre o più dispositivi presenti nel sistema installato I dispositivi che possono sovralimentare la rete BUS sono Modulo Multizona Gruppo pompa solare Modulo per la produzione istantanea di acqua calda sanitaria Per evitare il rischio di sovraccarico a...

Page 58: ... la funzione viene attivata facendo riferimento ai valori della sonda di temperatura di mandata all impianto Nel caso in cui la funzione antigelo dell unità esterna non fosse suffi ciente verrà attivata in automatico dal sistema la protezione antigelo dell unità interna Anche in questo caso il circolatore primario dell unità interna vie ne messo in funzione se la temperatura di ritorno dell acqua a...

Page 59: a piatsre Scambiatore a piatsre Scambiatore a piatsre Numero 1 1 1 Evaporatore Tipo Tubi alettati Tubi alettati Tubi alettati Peso Pesi alla spedizione kg 60 6 65 7 71 4 Campo di funzionamento T acqua riscaldamento min max C 20 60 C 20 60 C 20 60 C T aria esterna min max 20 30 C 20 30 C 20 30 C Idraulica Volume d acqua l 0 8 0 8 1 0 Pressione dell acqua max kPa 300 300 300 1 Valori indicativi F...

Page 60: ...iche EN 60730 1 comformità standard EN 60730 1 Sensore temperatura NTC 5 k 1 Grado di risoluzione 0 1 C 134 mm 16 mm 96 mm Interfaccia di sistema Sonda Esterna Posizionare la sonda esterna nella parete nord dell edicio ad una al tezza da terra non inferiore ai 2 5 m evitando l esposizione diretta ai raggi solari Rimuovere il coperchio fig A ed installare la sonda utilizzando il tas sello e la vite ...

Page 61: ...zzato lo scambiatore a piastre dell unità esterna e le re sistenze di back up Si consiglia l utilizzo di prodotti antigelo contenenti glicole propileni co anticorrosione ad es CILLICHEMIE CILLIT cc 45 atossico avente funzione antigelo anticorrosione e antincrostazione secondo le dosi indicate dal produttore ed in funzione delle temperature minime pre viste per la zona Controllare periodicamente il...

Page 62: ...ernal unit 2 zone 71 Cleaning the heating system 72 Safety valve connection 72 Expansion vessel connection 72 Filling of the installation 72 Initial procedures 72 Electric connections Electric connections 73 Electric connection of the external unit 74 Electric connection of the internal unit 74 Electrical scheme 75 Installation of remote control 76 Commissioning Led display 77 Technical index 78 S...

Page 63: ...rea or that individual harnesses are used to prevent falls The space where any accidental fall may oc cur should be free from dangerous obstacles and any impact upon falling should be cushioned by semi rigid or deformable surfaces Personal injury caused by falling from a height Make sure the workplace has suitable hygiene and sanitary con ditions in terms of lighting ventilation and solidity of th...

Page 64: ...tenance activities Abnormal corrosion of the hydraulic components due to incorrect connections direct contact iron copper Defective electrical connections or connections not compliant to the installation improper grounding cable cross section too low non compliance with the indicated electrical connections scheme Damages due to the powering up of the system before the hydrau lic fill The warranty d...

Page 65: ...ature zone 5 Heating low temperature zone 6 Expert Control system interface 7 Filter 8 Cartridge Anti freeze Auxiliary pump not supplied Legend 1 Internal unit 2 External unit 3 External sensor 4 Two heating zones high and low temperature 5 Two heating zones low temperature 6 Two heating zones high temperature 7 Expert Control system interface 8 Zone Control room sensor 9 Filtre 10 Cartridge Anti ...

Page 66: ... valve in the upper position The appliance should be filled with the indicated refrigerant R 410A Apply a dispenser available on the market on the pipe sleeve in order to vaporize the refrigerant before the flow in the external unit The refrigerant R 410A as all fluids HFCs is only compatible with the oils recommended by the manufacturer of the compressor The vacuum pump is not sufficient to completel...

Page 67: ...ts plug in properly all the provided cables The connection to the main supply net is of type Y and needed replacement of the cables must be performed by a qualified service center in order to avoid any damages For connections use only the recommended cables and connect with the shown connectors Make sure that grounding connections are properly sized an improper grounding can cause loss of electrica...

Page 68: ...on the ap pliance make sure you have disconnected it from the electri city supply by disconnecting the main switch All repairs which should only be performed using original spare parts should be carried out by a qualified professional Failure to comply with the above instructions could compromise the safety of the appliance and invalidate all liability on the part of the manufacturer Clean using a ...

Page 69: ... Hot water flow to the installation ZONE G 1 M D Cold water return from the installation ZONE G 1 M E Hot water flow to the installation ZONE 2 G 1 M F cold water return from the instal lation ZONE G 1 M G Domestic hot water outlet G M H Domestic cold water inlet G M A B G H C D E F 144 268 343 418 1367 1219 1342 1267 1287 1212 598 609 1683 18 Weights and dimensions ARIANEXT FSP Kg 1 ZONE 120 2 ZONE...

Page 70: ...r zone 1 14 Return temperature sensor zone 1 15 Modulating pump Zone 1 16 Temperature sensor flow to the installation 17 Diverter valve 18 Discharge valve 19 Automatic air purge 20 Safety thermostat automatic switch 21 Safety thermostat manual switch 22 Heating back up resistance 2 kW 2kW 23 Temperature sensor return from the installation 1 Circulator 2 Safety valve 3 bar 3 Discharge valve 4 Manome...

Page 71: ...his way it is necessary to calculate and compare only the losses of the entire circuit to verify that the installation was properly done The possible flow rates for a delta T comprised between 5 and 7 C in function of the size of the chosen external unit are shown in bold on the curves graphs 1 and 2 Internal unit 1 zone The hydraulic circuit of the external unit and the one of the heating installa...

Page 72: ...voided in order to limit the possible corrosion of the system Initial procedures Heating loop Open the taps of the circuit flow and return to the heating loop Open the filling taps of the heating loop Close the taps when the pressure gauge is located at the desired pressure Degas the installation re establish the pressure and check the ti ghtness of all the gaskets Diagram 1 FSP 1 Zone Diagram 2 FSP...

Page 73: ...ata plate of the product The electrical connections must be carried out with the aid of a fixed supply connection do not use mobile sockets and equipped with a bipolar switch having a distance between the contacts of at least 3 mm It is essential to connect the appliance to a correctly grounded electrical as to ensure the safety of the installation Connect the power cord to a 230V 50Hz verifying th...

Page 74: ...internal unit proceed as follows Remove the 2 screws indicated in figure A and remove the cover of the electrical panel B Opening of the internal unit you will find the following connections RS 485 Communication with the external unit Respect polarizations The indication 1 refers to the connection on the terminal 1 on the heat pump 2 refers to the connection 2 on the heat pump ANODE Protech anode co...


Page 76: ...e the BUS line is connected before connecting the wires to the base of the system interface slide the tab protecting the connector and lift it up fig 1 connect the pair of wires to the connector as described on the following page and close the protective tab again fig 2 open up the holes required for fixing fix the base of the device to the box on the wall using the screws supplied in the kit fig 3 pos...

Page 77: ...oom temperature override Outdoor temperature SRA SRA function enabled HOLIDAY function enabled Central heating active Domestic hot water active Error indication COMFORT Comfort function enabled Menu CH settings DHW settings System performance Screen setting Floor Heating Circulation pump Valvola deviatrice S2 Low indirect cylinder sensor S3 High indirect cylinder sensor S4 Under floor heating syste...

Page 78: ...s will be displayed 940 Hydraulic scheme not defined 941 Night tariff contact not defined 942 Load shedding contact not defined Turn the knob and select 17 0 User Parameters Press the OK button to confirm Turn the knob and select 17 0 0 CH mode Press the OK button to confirm Turn the knob and select 0 Green excludes the electric resistances for the integration of the heating 1 Standard Premere il tasto...

Page 79: ... 16 18 20 3 Functional Heating Curing Heating floor drying done at fixed temperature of 55 C for 6days and then with variable temperature from 25 C to 55 C for the following 18 day 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 4 Curing Heating Functional Heating floor drying done with variable temperature from 25 C to 55 C for the first 18 days and then at fixed temperature of 55 C for the following...

Page 80: ...l check the actual temperature value Turn the knob and select 4 2 3 Offset Press the OK button Turn the knob and set the most suitable value Press the OK button to confirm NOTE If the room temperature is higher than the desired value the curve must be shifted lower If on the other hand the room temperature is too low the curve should be shifted upwards If the temperature of the room corresponds wit...

Page 81: ...eters 4 2 Z1 Settings 4 2 0 Zone 1 temperature range Low Temp High Temp Low Temp 4 2 1 Thermoregulation Fix Flow T Basic Thermoreg Room T Only Outdoor T Only Room Outdoor T Basic Thermoreg 4 2 2 Slope 1 5 4 2 3 Offset 0 4 2 4 Room Influence Proportional 20 LT 10 HT 4 2 5 Max T 45 LT 60 HT 4 2 6 Min T 20 LT 20 HT 4 3 Z1 Diagnostics 4 3 0 Room T 4 3 1 Room T setpoint 4 3 2 Flow temperature 4 3 3 Retu...

Page 82: ...5 2 2 Slope 0 6 5 2 3 Offset 0 5 2 4 Room Influence Proportional 20 LT 10 HT 5 2 5 Max T 45 LT 60 HT 5 2 6 Min T 20 LT 20 HT 5 3 DIAGNOSTIC ZONE 2 5 3 0 Max Integral Action on Room Control 5 3 1 Z2 Diagnostics 5 3 2 Room T 5 3 3 Room T setpoint 5 3 4 Flow temperature OFF ON 5 3 5 Pump Status OFF ON 5 4 Z2 Zone Module Settings 5 4 0 Zone Pump Modulation Fixed Modulating on DeltaT Modulating on Press...

Page 83: esc No 17 PACMAN Param 17 0 User Parameters 17 0 0 CH mode Mode Green Mode Standard Mode Green 17 0 1 Quiet Mode Activation OFF ON OFF 17 0 2 Quiet Mode start time hh mm 22 00 17 0 3 Quiet Mode end time hh mm 06 00 17 0 4 Domestic Hot Water BOOST OFF ON OFF 17 1 Energy manager parameter 1 17 1 0 Hydraulic scheme none Arianext Plus Arianext Compact Arianext Flex none 17 1 1 Thermoregulation Abse...

Page 84: ...55 17 4 Domestic Hot Water 17 4 0 DHW Comfort Setpoint Temperature 55 17 4 1 DHW Reduced Set Point Temperature 35 17 4 2 Night tariff contact Not defined Not present Present Not defined 17 4 3 Comfort function Disabled Time Based Always Active HC HP HC HP 40 C Green Always Active 17 4 4 Max HP charging time 120 min 17 4 5 Antilegionella Function OFF ON OFF 17 4 6 Antilegionella frequency 528 h 17 4 ...

Page 85: ... Days l 17 7 3 Floor drying functional Remaining Days 17 7 4 Floor drying curing Remaining Days 17 8 Energy Manager Statistics 17 8 0 HP Running hours h 10 17 8 1 HP On cycles n 10 17 8 2 HP Res both ON running hours h 10 17 8 3 HP Defrost hours h 10 17 9 HP Diagnostics 1 17 9 0 Outside air temperature 17 9 1 HP water flow temp 17 9 2 HP water return temp 17 9 3 HP Evaporator temp 17 9 4 HP Suction...

Page 86: ... Generation Manual Mode Error Initialization Off Cool Mode 17 11 1 CH Flow Set T 17 11 2 CH Flow Temperature 17 11 3 CH Return Temperature 17 11 4 DHW Storage Temperature 17 11 5 CH Circulator Status OFF ON 17 11 7 Night tariff contact actual State Night tariff OFF Night tariff request 17 11 8 Load shedding contact Active OFF 17 12 Error History 17 12 0 Last 10 Errors 17 12 1 Reset Error List Rese...

Page 87: ...te 2 P3 DHW boost comfort setpoint not reached 2 P4 first thermostat of resistance auto 2 P5 second thermostat of resistance manual 2 P6 Night tariff contact not present 2 P7 Precirculation Error N A not applicable BUS power supply overload A BUS power supply overload error may occur due to the connection of three or more devices within the installed system Devices which may overload the BUS networ...

Page 88: ...rature probe failure the function refers to the values of the flow temperature probe In the case in which the antifreeze function of the external unit is not sufficient the frost protection of the internal unit will be automatically activated Also in this case the primary circulator of the internal unit is switched on if the return water temperature to the external unit is less than or equal to 7 C ...

Page 89: ...sive Progressive Condenser Type Plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger Plate heat exchanger Number 1 1 1 Evaporator Type Finned tubes Finned tubes Finned tubes Weights Expedition weight kg 60 6 65 7 71 4 Working range T heating water min max C 20 60 C 20 60 C 20 60 C T external air min max 20 30 C 20 30 C 20 30 C Hydraulics Water volume l 0 8 0 8 1 0 Max water pressure kPa 300 300 300 1 1 Appro...

Page 90: ...etic emissions EN 60730 1 Conformity to standards EN 60730 1 Temperature sensor NTC 5 k 1 Resolution degree 0 1 C 134 mm 16 mm 96 mm System interface Outdoor sensor Position the outdoor sensor on the north facing wall of the building at least 2 5 m from the ground and away from direct sunlight Remove the cover and install the sensor using the rawl plug and screw provided Perform connection using a...

Page 91: ...hanger on the external unit and the back up resistances are made in stainless steel We recommend the use of antifreeze products containing propylene glycol eg CILLICHEMIE CILLIT 45 cc non toxic acts as antifreeze helps avoiding corrosion and fouling according to the doses recom mended by the manufacturer and in accordance with the minimum temperatures required for the area Check the pH of the anti...

Page 92: ... Il suffit d entrer le numéro de votre département et le type d appareil à dépanner alors les coordonnées de nos partenaires régionaux les plus proches vous seront transmises Pour toute réparation faire appel à un professionnel qualifié et exiger l utilisation de pièces détachées d origine Le non respect de ce qui précède peut compromettre la sécurité de l appareil et faire déchoir toute responsabil...
