Condensing Pool Heater
Pool Demand
LED - Green
- There is no Pool Heating demand, pool heating
is off.
- There is Pool Heating Demand and the Pool is
not up to temperature.
- The Pool Heating Demand is met, the
pool is up to temperature.
Pool Temperature Control Knob
16°C to 32°C (60°F to 90°F)
(Maximum is changed in Setup Mode, see Page 16)
Rotate clockwise to increase the Pool Temperature.
The Setting Temperature is shown whilst rotating
and for 3 seconds after.
To lock the required Temperature Setting see
Lock/Reset Button Page 1
Pool Pump Pressure
Yellow LED, Display, Pool Temperature
On - If the pump is running and there is insufficient
pressure, possibly due to a blocked Pool Filter. The
Heater will not run.
Flashing Red LED, Display “OH2”
Flashing - This indicates the Heater has overheated
and it has shutdown. Wait for the Heater to cool then
press the Lock/Reset Button to start the Heater
again. If this problem persists this should be investi-
gated by a Service Engineer.
Red & Yellow LED, Display “GAS”
On - This indicates the Heater Gas Ignition Control
has locked out. Press the Lock/Reset Button to start
the Heater again. If this problem persists this should
be investigated by a Service Engineer.
Display “HI”
This indicates that the Condensate drain is blocked
and the Heater has shutdown. When the blockage is
cleared for the Heater will operate again.
Water Pressure Switch
A water pressure switch is provided in the heater to
shut off the burners in the event that water supply to
the heater is interrupted. The water pressure switch
should be checked and adjusted for proper opera-
tion by a qualified service person at the time of
installation, and thereafter checked at each service.
Operation of the heater without water
circulation will cause rapid and severe damage to
the Heater.
Water Temperature Settings
The Heater is designed to provide the maximum
amount of heat to the pool up to one degree below
the set temperature. For that last degree it reduces
the power to maximise control. For certain installa-
tion designs, if the pool is used before it is up to set
temperature, the water entering the pool from the
Heater could be noticeably warmer than the pool.
This is not a fault but part of the design. It will reduce
for the final degree up to set temperature.
Elevated water temperature can be hazardous, and
the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
recommends the following guidelines:
Spa or hot tub water temperatures should
never exceed 40°C (104°F). A temperature of
38°C (100°F) is considered safe for a healthy
adult. Special caution is suggested for young
Drinking of alcoholic beverages before or during
spa or hot tub use can cause drowsiness which
could lead to unconsciousness and
subsequently result in drowning.
Pregnant Women Beware! Soaking in water
over 39°C (102°F) can cause fetal damage
during the first three months of pregnancy
resulting in the birth of a brain-damaged or
deformed child. Pregnant women should stick
to the 38°C (100°F) maximum rule.
Before entering the spa or hot tub, users should
check the water temperature with an accurate
thermometer; spa or hot tub thermostats may err
in regulating water temperatures by as much as
2°C (4°F).
Persons with a medical history of heart di-
sease, circulatory problems, diabetes, or blood
pressure problems should obtain a doctor’s
advice before using pools or hot tubs.
Persons taking medications which induce
drowsiness, such as tranquilizers,
antihistamines, or anticoagulant, should not use
spas or hot tubs.
Please see page 3 for the maximum levels and the
procedural requirements for adding chemicals
It is recommended that periodically the casing is
cleaned and sprayed with WD40 or similar liquid, and
any exposed threads are lightly coated in grease.
Service & Maintenance
It is recommended that the Heater is serviced every
2000 hours of operation, for normal use this is about
12 months. The control will alert when you when it
reaches this period by its display, ‘SEr’ alternating
with the temperature.
It is a mandatory requirement that any gas work
carried out must be by a Registered engineer with
an appropriate accreditation.
As supplied the Heater includes a dose of inhibitor
and anti-freeze, sufficient to protect the primary heat
exchanger down to -10° C. If the Pool and Heater
are not going to be used for the cold winter months it
is recommended that the equipment is winterised.
Contact your pool installer for help with this.
Failure to winterise the Heater during a period of
freezing could cause damage to the Heater which
will not be covered by your warranty.