CERTIFIED 060-3732-6 Instruction Manual Download Page 41





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Summary of Contents for 060-3732-6

Page 1: ...IMPORTANT Please read this manual carefully before running this snowblower and save it for reference INSTRUCTION MANUAL 22 2 STAGE SNOWBLOWER model number 060 3732 6 Contact us 1 844 428 7277 ...

Page 2: ...nd maintenance advice Keep this instruction manual for future use Should this product be passed on to a third party this instruction manual must be included This Certified product carries a two 2 year warranty against defects in workmanship and materials At its discretion Certified Canada agrees to have any defective part s repaired or replaced free of charge within the stated warranty period when...

Page 3: ...rgeChuteRotation Lever 19 OPERATION 20 Before Operation 20 ChecktheGeneralCondition 20 ChecktheEngine 20 Operation 20 StartingtheEngine 20 Stoppingthe Engine 22 Operatingthe Machine 22 ControlLevers 22 DriveSystem 22 AdjustingtheSnow DischargeDirection andHeight 23 AdjustingtheSnowShoes 24 ToAdjust the Shoes 24 After Use 25 Servicing 25 SafetyPrecautions 25 MAINTENANCE 25 Maintenance 26 RegularSer...

Page 4: ... whichwillimprovefootingon slippery surfaces 4 Adjustthe auger housingheight to clear gravel orcrushedrocksurface 5 Neverattempttomakeanyadjustments whiletheengineisrunning exceptwhere specifically recommended inthemanual 6 Letengineandmachineadjusttooutdoor temperatures beforestartingto clearsnow 7 Theoperationofanypoweredmachine canresultinforeignobjectsbeing thrown intotheeyes Alwayswearsafetyg...

Page 5: ...wblower 4 Ifthe unit should starttovibrate abnormally stop the engineand check immediately for the cause Vibration is generallyawarningof trouble Vibration typically indicates a mechanical problem hasoccurred 5 Stoptheenginewheneveryouleavethe operatingposition beforeuncloggingthe augerhousingordischargeguide andwhen making anyrepairs adjustments or inspections 6 Beforecleaning inspectingorrepairi...

Page 6: ...er toensure that fingersand hands donot becomecrushedorcut 23 Do not touchhot enginecomponentslike the muffler muffler guard or engineblock during operation ofthesnowblowerasthey willcauseburns CLEARINGACLOGGEDDISCHARGE CHUTE Handcontactwith therotatingimpellerinside the discharge chuteisthe most commoncause of injury associated withsnowblowers Never use your hand to clean out the dischargechute T...

Page 7: ...NSIZ87 1 Symbol Name Designation Explanation SafetyAlert Thismachinewasbuilt to be operatedaccording to thesafe operation practicesinthismanual Aswith anytypeof power equipment carelessness orerroron thepartof the operatorcan resultin seriousinjury Thismachine iscapableof amputating fingers hands toesand feetandthrowing foreign objects Failureto observe the safetyinstructions couldresultin serious...

Page 8: ... theirmeaning Properinterpretationofthese symbolswillallowyoutomoresafelyoperate theproduct Symbol Name Designation Explanation EngineStart Followstepstostart engine 0W 30 CheckOil Level Recommendedoilis 0W 30 Theenginecanbe seriouslydamagedwithout oil Alwayschecktheoil levelbeforeusing The machine mustberesting firmlyonlevelgroundwhen checking b c CheckFuel Level Useclean fresh regular unleadedga...

Page 9: ...coilstartergrip tostartmanually Choke OFF Whentheenginestarts movethechoketorun position Instruction Manual Seeinstructionmanual fordetailsonusingthe electricstartfeature Stop Followstepstostop FuelValve OFF Movethefuelvalveleverto theOFFposition Remove EngineKey Removetheenginekey SAFETY INFORMATION ...

Page 10: ...justableSkidShoes Auger DischargeChute DischargeDeflector DischargeChute Rotation Lever DischargeChute LeverGuide AugerControlHandle SpeedAdjustingHandle CleanOutTool ENGINE Key safety lock out Primer Bulb ThrottleLever ChokeLever Fuel Valve On Off Fuel Cap Electric StartButton Recoil Starter Grip OilFill and Level Check Cap OilDrainPlug 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ...

Page 11: ...11 FEATURES 1 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 3 4 5 14 15 2 13 5 10 11 12 6 8 7 9 3 4 16 ...

Page 12: ...eassemblypartswithout scratching partsor cuttingtires Alternatively withteamlifthelp liftthebaseofthe snowbloweroutofthecarton andplaceiton aflattened cartontostartassembly 5 Now you areready forassembly ADDITIONALPARTS Part Part Qty Usage Shear Pin for auger 4 Sparepart Clip for auger 4 Sparepart Starter Electric Cord 1 Accessory TOOLSREQUIRED Tool Size Wrench included 10 12 Cross head Screwdrive...

Page 13: ...N A Upperhandle 1 M8 52Flatheadbolts 2 5 4 N A Curvedwasher 2 6 4 N A LockingknobV 2 7 4 N A Dischargechute bracket 1 M8 45Hexagonflange bolt 2 8 1 Size 12Wrench M8All metalhexagon flangelocknut 2 9 1 Size 12Wrench Speedcontrol connecting lever 1 LockPin 3 1 2 N A Snowdischarge support 1 M6 20Hexagon flangebolt preassembled 4 1 2 Size 10Wrench M6All metalhexagon flangelocknut preassembled 4 2 3 Si...

Page 14: ...hute 1 M6 16Screw 5 1 3 Cross head Screwdriver M6All metalhexagon flangelocknut 5 2 3 Size10Wrench M8 45Hexagonflange bolt 5 3 2 Size12Wrench M8All metalhexagon flangelocknut 5 4 2 Size12Wrench Discharge adjustinglever 1 Rpin 5 5 1 N A Auger control handle 1 Augercontrolwire assembly N A Self drive controlhandle 1 Self drivecontrolwire assembly N A ...

Page 15: ...theinside hole ofthe axle the machine will onlymove whenthedrivecontrolisengagedwhen theengineison Fig 1C It isoptional toslideonewheel pastthepin holein theaxleandtoplacethelockingpinintotheaxleoutsidethewheelwithout lockingitintothedriveaxle Thiscreates a pivot wheel that allowsthe operatortomoreeasilyturnthesnowblowerduringuseby using the freewheel asa pivotpoint Though thismakesturningeasier i...

Page 16: ...igure 3 2 Connect theupperhandleand lowerhandle with bolts 2 5 washers 2 6 andlocking knobs 2 7 Fig 4 Figure 4 3 Connectdischargechuteguidetolower handlewith1bolt 2 8 and1locknut 2 9 Fig 5 Figure 5 NOTICE Discharge chute bracket should be placed forward as shown for correct placement Do not overtighten 2 2 2 3 2 1 Upper handle Discharge chute bracket 2 8 2 9 2 5 2 7 2 6 2 4 ...

Page 17: ...rew the bolt Fig 7 of part A to get a natural tension station for the wire Check the slack of the tension and adjust accordingly You want to make sure that the tension on the lower side of the snowblower has 1 4 3 8 6 4 9 5 mm of movement If the slack is greater than 5 8 16 mm please adjust Proper tension is important because you will want your snowblower to move forward properly in heavy snowfall...

Page 18: ...2 Fig 8 from the mainbodyas shown Fig 8 Setaside for nextstep 3 Align snow dischargesupport with themain body 4 Attach the snow dischargesupportonthe main body withbolts 4 1 Fig 8 5 Tighten all nuts 4 2 as shown Fig 8 Donot overtighten Figure 8 SNOW DISCHARGE CHUTE 1 Removethebolts 5 1 Fig 9A andnuts 5 2 Fig 9A onthesnowdischarge chute Fig 9A Hold forlater step 2 Tightensnowdischargechuteandthe co...

Page 19: ...holeofthelever andthe gear and then connected with Rpin 5 5 Fig 10B 3 Check the snow dischargechuteby turning itfully inboth directions The discharge chuteshouldrotate freely Figure 10A Figure 10B Figure 10C Figure 10D WARNING Ensure the R pin 5 5 is positioned as shown in Fig 10C not as shown in Fig 10D Snow discharge bracket Gear Lever 5 5 Snow discharge support 5 3 5 4 ...

Page 20: ...ructions and all the warning and instruction stickers on the machine Always use protective goggles or a visor during use maintenance and service NOTICE The engine can be seriously damaged without oil Always check the oil level before using The machine must stand on level ground when checking OPERATION STARTINGTHEENGINE Read instructions carefully 1 Makesuretheenginesafetykeyisinserted intothekeyho...

Page 21: ...until the engine has been allowed to cool for at least 15 minutes after running CAUTION To prevent damaging the electric starter do run it not more than 10 times at intervals of 5 seconds on then 5 seconds off If the engine does not start after this series of attempts allow the starter to cool for at least 40 minutes before trying to start it again If the engine still does not start take the engin...

Page 22: ...mpellertoactivate Releasingtheaugercontrolhandle causesthe augertostopmoving Figure 12 DRIVE SYSTEM Yoursnowblowerhas6forwardspeedsand 2reversetoregulateforwardandbackward motion Fig 13 Thespeed adjustingsystemhasforwardspeeds rangingfromslowestposition1tofastest position6 Inreverse R1istheslowestspeed andR2thefastest Adjusting theself propelled drivesystem 1 Releasetheself drivecontrolhandleto br...

Page 23: ...ur snowblower ADJUSTINGTHE SNOW DISCHARGEDIRECTION ANDHEIGHT Changedischargedirection Turn the levercounter clockwise thesnow dischargeguideturnstotheleft Turn the leverclockwise thesnowdischarge guideturnstotheright Changedischargeheight 1 Loosen the locking knob toadjust thesnow discharge deflector toasuitable height Fig 14 2 Adjustthe snow dischargedeflector from 0 60 3 Tightenthe locking knob ...

Page 24: ...tothe ground Fig 15B Figure 15A CAUTION Always adjust the shoes so that gravel and stones are not fed into the snowblower There is a risk for personal injury if these are thrown out at high speed Ensure the shoes are adjusted the same on both sides CAUTION Do not at any time make any adjustment to machine without first stopping the engine and disconnecting the spark plug wire CAUTION Before changi...

Page 25: ...Makesuretheengineisoffbeforeyoubeginany maintenanceorrepair Thiswilleliminateseveral potential hazards Carbonmonoxidepoisoningfromengine exhaust neverrunthemachineindoors Theexhaustfumescontaincarbon monoxide averytoxicgas Burnsfromhotparts lettheenginecool for 30 minutes before touching hot parts Injuryfrommovingparts readthe instructionsbeforeyoubegin andmake sureyouhavethetools and skills requi...

Page 26: ... Every 6 months or 100 hrs Every year or 150 hrs EngineOil Checklevel Change SparkPlug Check Clean Replace Spark Arrester optionalparts Clean IdleSpeed Check adjust 1 ValveClearance Check adjust 1 Fuel Tank and Strainer Clean 1 FuelLine Check Every 2 years replace if necessary 1 1 These items should be serviced by your servicing dealer unless you have the proper tools and are mechanically proficie...

Page 27: ...wipeit clean Fig 17A WARNING Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive and you can be burned or seriously injured when refueling Stop engine and keep heat sparks and flame away Refuel only outdoors Gasoline is poisonous be careful not to touch or breathe in the vapour 3 Inserttheoilcap dipstickintotheoilfiller neckbutdonotscrewitin thenremoveit to check theoil level Fig 17B 4 Iftheoillevelisnearo...

Page 28: ...DIP STICK DRAIN BOLT Figure 18 WARNING Running the engine with a low oil level can cause engine damage Engine oil is poisonous be careful not to touch it With engine off but still warm disconnect the spark plug wire and keep it away from the spark plug We suggest you take used oil in a sealed container to your local recycling centre or service station for reclamation Do not throw it in the trash p...

Page 29: ...alls Whileoperatingthe snowblower ifthe self drivecontrolleveristooloose tightenthe nutcounter clockwise whileatthe sametime rotating theboltupwardtoreach theposition ofthenut Fig 20 Figure 20 ADJUSTING AUGERCONTROL CABLE Checktheslackofthetensionandadjust accordingly Makesurethatthetensiononthe augercontrolcableisadjustedsoithasbetween 1 4 3 8 6 4 9 5mm ofmovement This movementcanbeacquiredbymeas...

Page 30: ...emove thelever 2 fromthe discharge chute bracket Fig 22C 3 Unscrew thebolt ofaugercontrolwire 3 Fig 22C 4 Remove theplasticbelt cover 4 onthe front of the engine byremovingtwo M6 16 bolts 5 Fig 22D Figure 22A Figure 22B Figure 22C Figure 22D NOTICE To prevent spillage remove all fuel from the tank by running the engine until it stops Do not attempt to pour fuel from the engine Disconnect the spark...

Page 31: ...eltisbelow the springloadedidlerpulley asshown in figure24 Figure 24 9 Oncethebeltisreplaced tightenthe20mm bolt 6 ensuringtheclearancebetween thebeltlever 10 andthepulley 11 is5 16 8 mm Fig 25 Figure 25 10 Installtheplasticbeltcover 4 onthe frontoftheengineusingtwoM6 16bolts 5 setasidefromanearlierstep Tighten untilsnug Donotovertightenoryourisk damaging theplastic beltcover Fig 26 11 Performadri...

Page 32: ...isdisconnected 2 Remove thebaseframecover 1 form the underside ofthe snowblowerbyremoving thesixM6 16screwswhich secureit Fig 27A B 3 Removethe rightwheel 2 by removingthe axle pin onit Fig 27C Figure 27A NOTICE If the snowblower fails to drive with the drive control engaged and performing the drive control cable adjustment fails to correct the problem the friction disc may need to be replaced To ...

Page 33: ...the frictiondiscassemblytodiscardtheworn frictionwheelrubberring 7 andreplace witha newone Fig 30 Figure 30 7 Followthepreviousstepsinreverseorderto reassembletheparts 8 Performadrivetesttoconfirmeverything is inworking order LUBRICATION Lubricatethelinkageevery10hoursofuseand before long term storage Use0W 30oil No partsinsidethegearboxaretobelubricated Allbearingsandbushingsarepermanently lubric...

Page 34: ...run untilit stops duetolackoffuel 2 Changethe engine oil ifit hasnotbeen done for 3months 3 Remove thesparkplugandemptyalittle engine oil about30mL in the hole Crank the engine a coupleoftimes Replacethe sparkplug 4 Cleanthewholemachine thoroughly 5 Lubricate all the partsasshownin LUBRICATION sectionabove 6 Inspect the machinefordamage andrepair ifnecessary 7 Touchupany paint damage 8 Apply rustp...

Page 35: ...ringWidth 22 56cm ClearingHeight 21 53cm WheelDiameter 13 33cm ENGINESPECIFICATIONS Brand ChampionPowerEquipment Displacement 224cc EngineModel YF172ST StartType Electric Recoil ClearingWidth in 22 56cm ClearingHeight in 21 53cm OILSPECIFICATIONS OilCapacity 20oz 0 6L OilType 0W 30 FUELSPECIFICATIONS FuelCapacity 0 9gal 3 4L ...

Page 36: ...model no 060 3732 6 contact us 1 844 428 7277 36 SPECIFICATIONS PARTSLISTDIAGRAM ...

Page 37: ...3032000220001N SnowShovelPlate 22 inch Black 1 21 23032000230001N Sled 5 159 7x85 Black 2 Part Number Description Qty 22 23035000100209N BigHousingAssembly Green7733C 1 23 23062000160001B RightTrigger Black 1 24 23068000235000A Self DrivingAssembly 970mm 1 25 30313090025000 Hexagon Locking Nut M8 White Zinc 1 26 30323060015000 FlangeLocking Nut M6 AllMetalHexagon Blue White Zinc 22 27 230920000750...

Page 38: ...0 Half RoundHeadSquare NeckBolt M8 30 Blue WhiteZinc 1 65 23073000135000A WormBracket 64 40 24 Black 1 Part Number Description Qty 66 23062000415000C ConnectionPlate 140 98 5 148 1 67 30333040045000 SerratedAnti SlipAnd Anti Loose Hexagon FlangeNut M8 Blue White Zinc 5 68 23041000330001A WormProtectionCover Pp Gf30 Black 1 69 30213020045000 Machine TeethScrew M6 16 WhiteZinc 3 70 23024000195000A S...

Page 39: ...00 DeepGrooveBallBearing 6203RS 2 113 23033000115000B Large SynchronousPulley Shaft Ø17 Ø20 39 3 Black 1 Part Number Description Qty 114 30213010035000 CrossRecessed CountersunkHeadScrew M6 12 Blue White 6 115 23034000195000A Large SynchronousPulley SidePlate Ø169 5 1 116 23034000185000C Large SynchronousPulley Ø170 1 117 30913040085000 HexagonBolt M8 35 BlueWhiteZinc 1 118 23013000015000A FlatKey...

Page 40: ...A FlatHeadBolt M8 35 WhiteZinc 4 148 23093000185000A Special Bolt M8 55 WhiteZinc 2 149 23062000150001B LeftTrigger Black 1 150 20121000315000A OpenEndWrenches 10 12mm WhiteZinc 2 151 23061000140001C HandleSheath PVC Black 2 152 23063000195000B GearConnectingRod 547 Ø8 Black 1 153 23063000215000A Column GearConnecting Rod WhiteZinc 1 154 23065000195000A SpeedAdjustment Handle 229 90 29 Black 1 155...

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Page 42: ... 25 24 20 23 22 21 20 19 36 92 93 94 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 123 91 90 89 85 86 81 82 83 84 87 124 88 15 16 17 18 19 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 108 109 110 105 126 11 117 116 115 114 127 135 130 113 13 111 112 127 135 128 131 119 118 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 72 71 70 69 99 68 102 129 107 106 105 44 45 46 47 48 49 104 103 101 100 134 50 51 52 120 121 122 73 29 13 ...

Page 43: ...er Crankcase 1 35 1 5789 0832 0 8 FlangeBoltM8 32 6 36 22 031000 01 1 OilFillerCap Black 1 37 23 110005 01 Spring ThrottleReturn 1 38 27 110003 00 Arm Governor 1 Part Number Description Qty 39 1 6177 06 FlangeNutM6 1 40 2 03 021 1 WasherØ6 4 Ø13 1 Black 1 41 21 110001 00 Shaft GovernorArm 1 42 26 123000 00 IgnitionCoil Silicone Rubber 1 43 1 5789 0625 FlangeBoltM6 25 2 44 23 110006 00 Rod Governor...

Page 44: ...1 104 22 130003 00 Gasket Carburetor 1 105 27 131000 16 Carburetor 1 106 24 130004 20 Gasket AirCleaner 1 107 26 091300 00 Element AirCleaner 1 108 26 091000 00 AirCleanerAssembly 1 109 26 120200 00 3 IgnitionSwitch Red 1 110 1 6177 1 06 1 FlangeNutM6 3 111 26 070100 00 Cap FuelTank 1 112 26 071000 00 1 FuelTank 1 113 26 128300 00 2 SwitchSupport 1 114 111 070300 01 FuelFilter FuelPipe 1 115 2 06 ...

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Page 46: ...f adjustment Adjust the guide Auger control cable is out of adjustment See ADJUSTING AUGER CONTROL CABLE section Snowblower veers to one side Tire pressure not equal Adjust the tire pressure Wheel spring lock pin is inserted on one side Check the wheel locks Shoes are mounted unevenly Adjust shoes Scraper blade uneven adjusted Adjust scraper blade and shoes Snowblower does not drive Drive cable ou...

Page 47: ...emplarydamages arising inconnectionwiththesale useor inabilitytousethis product NoticeToConsumer Thiswarranty gives you specific legal rights andyoumayhaveotherrights whichmayvaryfrom provincetoprovince The provisionscontainedinthis warrantyarenotintendedtolimit modify take awayfrom disclaim orexclude any statutory warranties setforthinanyapplicableprovincialorfederal legislation Madein China Impo...

Page 48: ...tors and other emission related assemblies Where a warrantable condition exits CPE will repair your small off road engine at no cost to you including diagnosis parts and labour MANUFACTURER S EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM WARRANTY COVERAGE This emission control system is warranted for two years subject to provisions set forth below If during the warranty period emission related part on your engine is de...

Page 49: ... a problem exists The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time not to exceed 30 days If you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities you should contact Champion Power Equipment Inc Customer Service 12039 Smith Ave Santa Fe Springs CA 90670 USA Tel 1 877 338 0999 tech championpowerequipment com ...

Page 50: ...rranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the Owners Manual shall be warranted for the ECS Warranty Period If any such part fails during the ECS Warranty Period it shall be repaired or replaced by CPE according to Subsection d below Any such part repaired or replaced under the ECS Warranty shall be warranted for any remainder of the ECS Warranty Period b Any war...

Page 51: ...ely caused by a failure under warranty of an emission related part covered by the ECS Warranty g Throughout the ECS Warranty Period CPE shall maintain a supply of warranted emission related parts sufficient to meet the expected demand for such emission related parts h Any CPE Authorized and approved emission related replacement part may be used in the performance of any ECS Warranty maintenance or...

Page 52: ...separator carbon canister canister mounting brackets carburetor purge port connector TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE You must take your CPE engine or the product on which it is installed along with your warranty registration card or other proof of original purchase date at your expense to any Champion Power Equipment dealer who is authorized by Champion Power Equipment Inc to sell and service that CPE ...
