If you want to block websites with specific URL address or using specific keywords, enter
each URL or keyworks in the
“Content Filter”
field and click
button to add in the
Content Filter list of each rule. Click
button can remove URL or keywords.
Local Port :
Specify local port(LAN port) range required for this rule
Destination Port :
Specify destination port range required for this rule
Schedule :
Can choose to use rule by “Time Policy”
Service :
Check Enable button to activate this rule, and Disable to deactivate.
button to add control rule to List. There are 10 rules maximum allowed in this
Control List. All rules can be removed or edited on the List.
Reboot button
to activate your changes.
8.6 IP Routing (This function must be used WISP mode)
The IP Routing Settings allows you to configure routing feature in the gateway. The system
supports RIP(Routing Information Protocol ) and OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) dynamic
routing and allows you to manually configure static network routes.
Please click on
Advance -> IP Routing
and follow the below setting.