Operation mode
Technical instructions CONTROLLER -
While Freeze guard option is enabled, controller monitors minimum set temperature of each sensor connected to the
controller and the minimum set outside temperature. While Toutside is disabled, the Freeze guard option will monitor
minimum set temperature of the boiler and equipment only.
Enabling and disabling of this option can be provide under INSTALLER (PIN), a customer has just possibility to view this
5.8.3. OPTION
If both Freeze guard and Toutisde options are enabled, a customer has an opportunity to enable particular pump (each
pump must be selected separately) while minimum outside temperature drops below set value. In menu are displayed all
active pumps that can be selected. If there is a defect on outside temperatrue sensor or if it is disabled, but Toutside
option is enabled, the situation will be considered as fulfilled outside temperature condition and the pumps will be
enabled to work.
Freeze guard (set temperatures preview):
- minimum temperature of an each sensor to start the Freeze guard
- minimum temperature difference of an each sensor
- minimum outside temperature to star the Freeze guard
Possible selection:
Factory: OFF
Options: OFF, ON
While Freeze guard option is enabled, controller monitors minimum set temperature of each sensor in boiler and equipment
attached to controller and, in case that Toutside option is enabled, controller also monitors minimum outside temperature. If
temperature drops below set value, controller starts pumps and the boiler if needed.
While Freeze guard option is enabled and particular pump are selected in submenu Option, if particular system components
are disabled (ie. DHW tank…), those components are display in grey on the Main screen. The pumps that supply those
disabled components will be started due to Freeze guard option. The pumps started due to Freeze guard option have no
additional marking in their symbols.
In case the Freeze guard option is enabled, but a heating circuit is disabled, a number by the heating circuit is crossed and the
heating circuit is started due to Freez guard option.