RELIGHTING: Shut off all gas and wait approximately 3 minutes before
relighting the pilot.
SHUTTING DOWN: For temporary shut down, turn the thermostat to
lowest or OFF position; then turn gas cock dial to PILOT position. To shut
boiler down completely, partially depress and turn gas cock dial to OFF
Use fresh or drip grind coffee, spread evenly, as an even coffee bed is
important for proper extraction.
Urn should be connected to cold water supply and the water heated
sufficiently to insure brewing temperatures of 195-205F (90-96C).
Leave cover on urn during brewing. Total contact time for urn grind
should be approximately 4-6 minutes.
Remove grounds and filter basket immediately after water has
dripped through.
If automatic agitation is not incorporated, mix brew by drawing off
heavy coffee from bottom of batch and pouring back into brew. Mix at
least one gallon per pound of coffee used.
Never repour brewed coffee back through spent grounds.
Hold coffee at 185-190F (85-88C) for proper serving temperature.
Brewed coffee should not be held for longer than one hour; it should
never be reheated if allowed to cool, and it should never be boiled.
TIMER: An electronic solid state timer is used to control the volume of
water for brewing the coffee. The timers are preset at the factory to
deliver 2.5 gallons of water for each brewing cycle.
However, if other volumes of water are desired, or a correction is
necessary, follow these instructions:
To increase volume of water, turn the timer knob clockwise. To
decrease the volume of water turn the knob counter-clockwise. Run
through a complete cycle for each setting. Note that the timer cannot be
readjusted once it is activated. To terminate the cycle if the liner
overflows, simply activate the cycle stop switch at the bottom of the
control box. If the maximum setting of the timer fails to deliver enough
water, check the water pump and spray head and follow instructions
under maintenance.
SPRAY ARM & BY-PASS ADJUSTMENT: Urns equipped with an adjustable
by-pass are delivered from the factory with the by-pass adjusted. If
further by-pass adjustment are required to correct local water
conditions, proceed as follows:
Place the spray head over the center of the right coffee liner and
activate the brew cycle switch. Insert a screwdriver in the by-pass