To exit the working screen, hold for 2 seconds. Pause key. If the program does not contain a signal "End"or "End *", you
must create one to get out. If the modification of a program a sequence that overlaps and exceeds by length of which
reflected the end of the program (signal "End" or "End * ") must indicate a new end of program.
The form I-210 incorporates an input "External"for each relay. Each of these
inputs act on the agenda of the corresponding relay. In those sequences where the state program's output was set to "Ex",
the module to reach them and as lasting, continual check the entry. If the input is in contact with the common, the relay will
connect, if on the contrary, the entrance was open, the relay is disconnected. Observe the General Wiring.
Working Screen (Fig. 1, p. 2), is the main module, this display shows the current status
at any time the status of each output, displaying under the names of each relay (RE1 or Re2), the exact mode of output,
On, Off, or Ex .
Keys either Relay 1 or Relay 2, when pressed activate all prerecorded programs, initiating the operation of the
The Pause key, as its name suggests, will pause to freeze the program in the step that was pressed, restoring the system
to again be pressed.
Enter button, hold no combination with another key, will perform a program stop, "Stop", leaving the circuit waiting for a
new start.
RUNPauseStop<" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'"Working Screen indicate at any time if the program is
running, if it is paused or if it is stopped, correspondingly displaying the following message:> RUN <""> Pause <"and">
Stop < ".
Likewise, the display will continuously step in which the program is showing the message "No STEP", where "No" will
counter the current step.
Note that not all programs have the same length or duration. Therefore, although the module will execute at the same
time, shorter, are off, pending the end of the major. This point should be especially taken into account, if any of the
software was cyclical, and then, after completion of the longest, and having concluded its function the remaining, only the
cyclic restarts, continuing his work indefinitely until making a "Stop".
The outputs of the I-210 is performed by relays, devices that support any type
of load does not exceed 5 A. The relay has three output terminals. The rest normally open (NO), the Sleep normally closed
(NC) and the Joint Operation of this mechanism is identical to a switch whose two terminals NA and the common to the
inverse function must be used and common terminal CN is shown in Figure The typical connection for a device operated
at 12 V. S.C. and one operated at 230 V. C.A. See paragraph Connecting the charges.
During operation of the circuit, and according to its load, it could happen a fluctuation or an
incorrect output performance. If this happens, install a circuit sparking between the two relay contacts used in this connection,
as shown in the drawing.