Regulating of the oven minimum
Considering that in the minimum position the flame must have a length of about 4 mm
and must remain lit even with a brusque passage from the maximum position to that of
To be effected only for the oven burner (as the grill burner has an only fixed input)
operating on the thermostat as follows:
– light the oven taking the knob to Max. position.
– remove the knob and by a thin screwdriver (3 mm section - 100 mm long) unscrew
of about a half turn the screw by-pass, passing through the front panel hole (fig. 46)
– fit the knob and let the oven heat for 10 minutes, then take the knob to position
150 allowing the thermostat to work under by-pass.
– after further removal of the knob, stop slowly the screw by-pass
(being careful not
to turn the knob rod) until the flame reaches 3-4 mm high.
N.B. For LPG the by-pass screw must be fixed thoroughly.
Flame correct
Flame faulty in
primary air
Flame with excess
primary air
Fig. 46
The operations must be executed by a qualified technician.
All intervention regarding installation maintenance and conversion of the
appliance must be fulfilled with original factory parts.
The manufacturer declines any liability resulting from the non-compliance of
this obligation.
Lubrication of the gas taps