1. Features
1-1 This product is a digital power supply for controlling CCS LED lights.
1-2 Selectable 12V DC and 24V DC output (cannot be used simultaneously).
1-3 Both continuous and strobe operation are available.
1-4 A PLC or a computer can control the power supply externally through RS-232C or parallel signal.
The DIP switches, on the front panel, enable to change lighting mode, an external control interface, and etc.
Mode Selector Switch
No. ON
1 Strobe Cont
Light mode selector
Strobe: Strobe light synchronized to an external trigger input
Cont: Continuous light at a pulse width of 50 kHz
2 Remote Manual
Remote control enabled/disabled
Remote: External control by RS-232C or bit-parallel signal.
Manual: Light control by panel switch settings
3 RS-232C Parallel
Remote control mode selector
RS-232C: Light control by commands sent via serial communications
fixed at 9,600 bps
Parallel: Light control by a bit-parallel signal like an open collector signal
4 Trig+ Trig
Strobe trigger polarity selector
Trig +: Applies the strobe trigger on the positive edge in the LOW-to-HI
Trig -: Applies the strobe trigger on the negative edge in the HI-to-LOW
ON/OFF polarity selector for continuous light
ON/OFF +: Lighting turns ON at HI.
ON/OFF -: Lighting turns ON at LOW.
6 Delay Intensity
Selector for fine rotary dial functions
Delay: Switch for light delay settings
Intensity: Switch for fine light control
Factory settings: Only # 5 is ON and the others are OFF.
Turn the power off before changing mode switch settings.