1 Door Phone can be connected to the PBX.
Open the back cover of the Door Phone and connect 2 wires on the Terminal block.
These 2 wires are to be connected to any of the Extension port (f rom 601 to 632) of the PBX.
To def ine the Extension as the f irst Door Phone extension, program as below
Dial #
0000 + 80 NN #
Where, N = 01 - 32 (Representing the Extension numbers f rom 601 to 632)
To make the f irst Door Phone extension as a normal Extension, program as below
Dial #
0000 + 8000 #
Door Phone ring assignment
Dial #
0000 + 82 NN # - To assign extensions to ring when Door Phone calls.
Where, N= 01
–32 (Representing the Extension numbers from 601 to 632)
Repeat the program f or up to 3 Extensions maximum except door phone.
Dial #
0000 + 82 # - To clear all programmed extensions f or Door Phone calls.
Emergency Call
When any extensio n dials # 88, all extensio ns start ringing . All extensi o ns get connec ted to the extensio n who had dialed
the Emerg enc y code. All can talk in conferenc e.
Extension to Extension call
Extensi o n numb e rs in default are from 601 to 616 / 624 / 632 and can be chang ed to 2 digits / 3 digits or 4 digits numb e ri n g
as explained under the headi ng
“Flexibl e Numb eri ng ”.
Flash Time setting
The Flash time of the PBX can be chang ed as describ ed below:
Dial #* 0000 + 00 L #
Here, L= 1 (for 0.8 secs) Defaul t= 0.4 secs
2 (for 1.0 secs)
3 (for 1.2 secs)
4 (for 1.5 secs)
5 (for 1.8 secs)
Flexible Numbering
Extensi o n numb ers can be chang ed to a desired
numb er of 2 digit, 3 digit or 4 digits from 11
– 6999.
The numb e ri ng can either be 2digit, 3 digits or 4 digits in any combinati o n.
The flexible numb e r cannot begin with digits 0, 7, 8 and
9. Proced ure
Dial #* 0000 + 9000 + # (This also resets all the flexible numb eri ng of the
PBX) Dial #* 0000 + 9 NN ABCD #
Wher e, N = Last two digits of the original extensio n numb e r (This original numb er alway s remai ns the one
that is printed on the MDF even if flexible numb eri ng is
ABCD = The new Extensi o n numb e r. For less than 4 digits, dial # at the end Of Extensio n Numb e r .
If all the new numb ers to be made in sequenc e then following program mi ng can be done with single program . This avoid s
lengthy program mi ng :
Dial #* 0000 + 9000 L K #
Wher e, L = Length of new numb e rs
– 3 digits or 4 digits
K = First digit of the new numb eri ng . If K=2 then the numb eri ng will become 201 (or
2001) Onwards . Then all those Numb e rs can be chang ed throug h the following
program mi ng.
Defaul t: 601,60 2, to 616 / 624 / 632
Hot Line to Junction
Some or all extensi o ns can be program m ed to get Junctio n Line on lifting the Hands et.
To dial internal numb e rs, dial * on lifting the Hands et. You will get internal dial tone of the
PBX. To program an extensio n to get a free Junctio n line on lifting hands et,
Dial #* 0000 + 20 NN#
Wher e, NN= last two digits of Extensio n numb ers that is to be program m ed for Direct Junctio n Access.
Dial #* 0000 + 20 # - To convert all Extensio ns in
“Hot Line to Junctio n ” mode
Dial #* 0000 + 21 NN # - To convert NN Extensio n in normal mode.
Dial #* 0000 + 21 # - To convert all Extensio ns in normal mode.
When all Extensi o ns are converted to Hot Line then to get into the Program mi ng mode, lift Hands et
–Dial * # * 0000 + Whatev e r Program mi ng to be done.
Hot Line to Extension
Some or all extensi o ns can be program m ed to get connec ted to an Extensio n, on lifting the Hands et.
To dial internal numb e rs, dial * on lifting the Hands et. You will get internal dial tone of the
PBX. To program an extensio n in this mode,