- Direct sun light should not fall on the PBX.
- The PBX should be installed on the wall at a minimum of 2 ft height from the
floor. Note
Comp any’s warrantee voids if the above points are not followed.
Front Panel Indications
Following is the descriptio ns of the LED indicato rs of the front panel of the PBX:
LED Nam e Descrip tio n
POWE R Blinking means PBX is working on Mains AC or Battery .
The PBX has the following connec to rs on its side panel:
Conn ect o rs Descrip tio n
LINE 1 to LINE 2
Termi nate the 1
and 2
Junctio n Line here throug h a RJ Connecto r.
EXT 601 to EXT 616/ 624/ 632
Termi nate the 1
to 32
Extensio n wires over here throug h a RJ
Connec to r .
AC 220V
Connec t the 2 pin main lead here.
witch on the Side of PBX
It is for switchi ng the PBX ON / OFF.
The PBX is supplied RJ Connec to rs with short leads for termi n ati ng the cables to RJ Sockets . It is reco mm end ed to
Crimp RJ connec to rs directly to the cables in order to maintai n the aestheti cs .
The Mains AC socket from where the PBX is given 220 V AC, should be separately made by taking direct
connectio ns from the MCB Box and no other Electric al applianc e should be connec ted on this point.
Terminologies Used
- Telep ho ne Lines provided by the Departm ent of
Telec o m. EXTE NSIO N LINES - Extensio n Lines mean the EPABX extensi o n lines.
Programming the PBX
To program most of the feature mentio n ed in this manual, program mi ng Passwo rd is to be entered from any extensio ns
(601, 602, 603, 604) throug h the following command
#* 0000 (Here, 0000 is the default Passwo rd )
In case of any mistak e while program mi ng, keep the Hands et down and pick up again.
Whenev e r a correct input is entered , PBX will give one single accepta nc e tone and when wrong input is given, it will
give three tones.
Allowed Table
Numb e rs to be allowed to extensi o ns whose L = 0, are to be defined in this table. For value of L refer
“Juncti o n Dialing
Controls ”.
This table has 16 Locatio ns.
Proced ur e
Dial #* 0000 + 43 QQ ABCD#
Wher e QQ= 01 to 16 (16 Locatio ns of the Table)
ABCD= The starting 4 digits of the Tel numb ers to be allowed to
extensio n. For less than 4 digits, dial # at the end of digits.
To clear this Table: Dial #* 0000 + 43 #
To clear a partic ul ar location of this table: Dial #* 0000 + 43 QQ #
Auto Attendant Operations
When the PBX is operated in this mode, the Junctio n caller gets a welcome
mess ag e. Three types of mess ag es can be record ed for the following 3 conditions
Welco m e Mess ag e (10 Seconds )
Busy Mess ag e (5 Seconds )
No Answer Mess ag e (5 Seconds )
Auto Atten d an t Enable/ Disable :
To set Junctio n in Auto Attend a nt mode:
Dial #*0000 + 10 J # where J= Junctio n Numb er 1 or 2
To set Junctio n in Direc t Ring
mode: Dial #*0000 + 11 J
Messa g e Reco rd in g / Listen in g :
To Record Auto Attend a nt Mess ag e:
Dial #*0000 + 12 M #
Recordi ng starts after a confirmatio n beep. There will be a second beep for recordi ng end.
Listen Auto Attend a nt Mess ag e:
Dial #*0000 + 13M #