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Router Mode Mesh Network Setting (CAP)
First, make sure that your WR5881 connected with WAN and can access the Internet.
Then log in Configuration Manager (CMGR) change The WR5881 to Router mode (CAP)
Press the WPS button of the WR5881 and the Wi-Fi AP_1 WPS button at the same time or within
a 60-second window, and then wait 5-10 seconds to complete the Mesh network settings. You
will see Wi-FI LED is blinking blue, it means that the WR5881 is scanning and trying to connect to
the mesh network. (MESH LED green light will enable)
Bridge Mode Mesh Network Setting (RE)
First, make sure that your cable modem can access the Internet. Then press the WPS button of
the cable modem for the paring mode and the press WR5881 WPS button once at the same
time or within a 60-second window, and then wait 5-10 seconds to complete the Mesh network
settings. If the Wi-Fi LED is blinking blue, it means that the WR5881 is scanning and trying to
connect to the mesh network (MESH LED green light will enable)