3-5 Ticker
Configure ticker text and option here. Select from multiple
sources for the ticker text, and set up the font and the color of
the ticker area. Please follow the following steps:
1. Login SMP player and enter Web Manager.
2. Go to
3. You can refer the following table to configure the source and
content of the ticker.
Enter Text here
You can enter a text message, such as “
This is a
testing message!
”. Save the settings and the text will
be displayed on the screen.
Text file in Media
You can type your message in a text file and save the file
in Media Folder. When you enable this option, you can
choose any imported .txt files from the drop down menu.
The message in the text file will be displayed.
SMP-PRO series now supports UTF-8 character encoding.
If the content is not written in English, please choose
encoding type “
” when you save the text file.
Text from remote
To show a text message available on a URL, enter the
URL address in the option, e.g. http://your_ server/
message.txt. If you use the server side script to generate
the dynamic text, we suggest you only send the text result
(mime type txt/plain) back to the SMP player. You can
also retrieve live RSS messages. Enter the URL address
in the option, e.g. http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_us.rss. The
format of non-English RSS link should be in the UTF-8
character encoding.
SMP players checks RSS feed every 20 seconds and
updates if necessary.
Central Scheduling
(by CMS Server)
Control ticker text from CMS server. For detailed
configuration, please see the user’s manual of CMS server.
Please remember to go to the
” page
and select a skin with a pre-
edited ticker area.
The format of non-English
RSS link should be in the
UTF-8 character encoding.