2-6-6 Step6: Ticker Text
Here you can configure the settings of text ticker area.
There are various sources of the ticker text for choices. The text
can be directly entered here, read from a .txt file in the Media
Folder, retrieved from an RSS feed or remote URL, or centrally
scheduled and managed by the CMS server. You can configure
the text characters, including the text font, color, font size, text
direction (from left to right or the reverse), and ticker mode and
speed, etc.
Since there are only one line space for ticker mode "
" and "
Bottom-up and crawl
", the ticker text will be
read and processed in single line, while the "
Simple bottom-
" mode allows all text to move upwards in multiple lines.
I f y o u u s e t i c k e r m o d e
Simple bottom-up
" or
Bottom-up and crawl
you can use
to change
the text line. Text following
after <nl> will be separated
and showing in the next line.