Rev. 0/ 14-07-2020
Electrostatic ignition hazard
Warning: Verify the area is not hazardous when installing, servicing, cleaning, or touching the
Device cleaning
Warning: Clean only with a damp cloth.
Do not drop
Warning: While Mesura Metering meters are designed to withstand a drop, dropping the
meter may damage the device, impact the meter accuracy, and void the warranty.
The PRODIGI is an intrinsically safe object suitable for use in hazardous areas ………. The minimum installation
category is ………. The relevant UL standards for compliance with the EHSR (Essential Health and Safety
Requirement) requirements of the………….
Electrostatic discharges
This device is approved for installations in areas with a low risk of explosion (risk only for short periods). In
these areas, sparks produced by electrostatic discharges could still in extreme cases produce explosions. Even
if during normal operations there are no dangerous potentials on the apparatus, the use of dissipative socks
and a damp cloth (% > 65%) is required during installation/maintenance operations. Further information can
be found in ULxxxxxx.
Mesura Metering SRL declines all responsibility for the risks and consequences arising from non-compliance
with these requirements.
Product notification
Warning: These instructions are not intended to replace any utility or company- established meter
installation procedures. These instructions are provided for additional information when the Mesura meter
is installed. The meter installation must comply with all country, state, and local building and safety
regulations as well as federal regulations including the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Phamplets
54 and 58, including pertinent paragraphs of the codes are:
Each meter and service regulator, whetever inside or outside of a building must be in a readily
accessible location and be protected from corrosion and other damage.
Comentado [GA2]:
This paragraph can be ceompleted
only after UL certification