User Manual
Version 3.0
9.7 Operating Notes
9.7.1 Stop Command
Issuing a Stop command on an OCU affects all MCUs that are switched on and assigned to that OCU.
9.7.2 MCU Behavior When Switched On
When the power supply of a MCU is switched on, the MCU is initially not assigned to an OCU.
9.7.3 Behavior of the Safety Relays
The safety relays are only activated when an OCU requests one or more cranes.
9.7.4 MCU Assignment When an OCU is Switched OFF
If an OCU (A) is switched off without having released the MCUs assigned to it, one of the following two events will
occur. Those MCUs remain assigned to OCU (A) and thus cannot be requested by a second OCU (B), or
depending on the configuration
– the MCU assignment is cancelled automatically after a specific period (i.e.,
automatic release).
In systems without automatic release, the assigned MCUs can be released by either switching on OCU (A) and
issuing a RELEASE command, or if this is not possible, by switching off the MC
Us’ power supply and then
switching it on again. The MCUs then enter their default state and are no longer assigned to an OCU.