User Manual
Version 2.0 IR Zone Control
This mode is compatible with the LRC-M, LRC-L and SCU32 OCUs.
In this mode, the OCU takes information from the IR zone it is in and relays that to the MCU; the MCU therefore
knows specifically where the OCU is and selection is automatic. This makes it possible for a single MCU to safely
control multiple devices based on the specific location of the associated OCU, with no possibility of manual error.
In the image below, for example, it would make it possible for a single MCU to understand an OPEN/CLOSE
command to control the correct furnace door based on the differing 8-bit data.
Figure 24: IR Zone Control
RF Range Control
7.4.1 Feature and Benefits
RF Range Control provides features that can be used in many different ways to enhance safety and prevent
accidents. It enables a user to impose limits on the distance between the OCU and the machine at startup and
during operation. This prevents unintentional system start and having an operator at an excessive distance from
the machine. These features prevent accidents like those in the following scenarios.
An employee or visitor picks up a controller and moves the controls around, unaware that it is actually
operating a crane with consequentially dangerous results.
An employee is working on a controller in a workshop and has not isolated the crane supply; the crane
moves around, causing material damage and narrowly misses causing serious injuries or death to
An operator picks up the wrong controller, fails to verify the identity of the crane, and, while thinking it is
not working, a crane behind him is moving, which hits an adjacent crane with a suspended press die that
then swings into the press and is irreversibly damaged.
Range Control is considered to be a safety critical feature by many prestigious industrial users in industries such
as metals manufacturing, vehicle production, aircraft maintenance and power generation. This is in part because
it is clearly safer, and in part because it can be considered as recommended in European Standard
EN 60204-32
(Safety of machinery
– Electrical equipment of machines – Part 32: Requirements for hoisting machines). Section
9.2.7 has a clause that states ‘
Where necessary, means shall be provided so that the hoisting machine can only
be controlled from operator control stations in one or more predetermined zones or locations
RF and IR
controlled range features make it possible to meet this requirement where it is necessary to do so.