The Hydrocyclone keeps on running regularly. When the amalgam level reaches 100%, the text
“Report Cod. I15” appears on the display (15). The Hydrocyclone keeps on running until the
machine is switched off. It won’t be possible to start the machine again unless the amalgam
collection container (5) is replaced.
Every time one of the above mentioned alarms occurs, a volt-free (clean) contact closes on the
circuit board (terminals 1-2) (draw. 4 page 43). With this contact it is possible to place a signal
The contact remains closed and the alarm remains active until the amalgam collection container
is replaced and the machine is switched off.
• Electrical shock risk : also 230 V
can be lethal.
• General danger sign.
• Biological danger, risk of infections from epidemic diseases.
• Compulsory direction of fl ow or of rotation.
• Replacement of the amalgam collection container (draw. 7 page 46)
Before intervening, disconnect from the mains the machine on which the Hydrocyclone is
mounted, wear disposable gloves, mask and goggles to protect from possible splashes.
Slowly unscrew the handle (17) as shown in the drawing. Support the container while lowering
it. Continue to turn the handle until it reaches its limit-stop. Remove the container keeping it ho-
rizontally and fi ll it with a suitable disinfectant (refer to the importer for suggestions regarding the
most suitable product). Open the valve (18) placed on the cover (19), treat the “O” ring with a thin
layer of Lubri-Jet, position the cover on the container and close the valve (18).
The container is made of unbreakable material and is fi tted with a hermetically sealed lid, since
the contained material is toxic and contaminating for epidemic diseases (we recommend to han-
dle it with care).
To receive a list of authorized companies with licence for transport and disposal of this kind of
waste and for further information regarding the disposal, contact trading associations or local
competent authorities.
Position a new container in the seat of the original one. Screw the handle (17) until the rim of the
container comes into contact with the cone, which should not require force.