RS232C Communication Kit
Thank you for purchasing the RS232C Communication Kit Ergosiser EC-1500.
By connecting the EC-1500 and an external computer to this kit, the following
control and data transfers are possible using the directional communication
capability of the RS232C interface:
Controlling and carrying out the EC-1500 internal program from an
external computer.
Retrieving data (pulse rate, wattage, etc.) of the EC-1500 from an
external computer.
These features expand the application of the EC-1500 functions such as load
and sphygmomanometer. This means that by programming a particular
protocol on a personal computer, data (pulse rate, wattage, etc.) that the EC-
1500 has collected can be handled on a personal computer for further
processing and storage on a disk. Before using this communication kit,
thoroughly read the manual for better performance. Keep this manual and the
warrantee card as long as you use the kit.
[1] Preparation
1-1) Checking components in the package ............................................ 3
1-2) Assembling RS232C communication kit ......................................... 4
1-2-a) Installing RS board 4 in operation unit ................................. 4
1-2-b) Connecting optical cable to operation unit .......................... 4
1-2-c) Connecting procedure ........................................................... 5
[2] Learning how the system works
2-1) Data transfer format .......................................................................... 6
2-2) Architecture of data transferred from EC-1500 .............................. 6
2-2-a) During a program selection and during setting exercise
condition ................................................................................. 6
2-2-b) During training ........................................................................ 7
2-3) Command used to externally control the EC-1500 ........................ 8
2-3-a) Exercise condition setting commands ................................. 8
2-3-b) Command that duplicates push button ............................... 8
2-4) Considerations on data transfer ...................................................... 9
2-4-a) Use of BASIC is convenient to control from external
device ...................................................................................... 9
2-4-b) Reset first ................................................................................ 9
2-4-c) Selecting EC-1500 programs ................................................. 9
2-4-d) Changing exercise conditions ............................................ 10
2-4-e) Starting EC-1500 program (training) ................................... 10
Receiving in-training data .................................................... 10
2-4-g) Changing exercise conditions during training .................. 11
2-4-h) Ending training ..................................................................... 11
Other considerations ........................................................... 11
[3] Sample program
3-1) Program that verifies connection to the EC-1500 (CHECK) ........ 12
3-2) Program that controls the EC-1500 externally (TEST) ................. 13
Introduction to
the system
Table of Contents