688018-218 en-nl ma 2020
1. Only fill the pan with frying oil and fill it with frying friendly food. Never put non-food
related products such as plastic or paper inside the oil-container.
2. Never use other parts such as the drip tray than the ones which are from CaterChef.
CaterChef is not taking any responsibilty for damage caused by the use of other
(non related) parts.
3. Do never cover the appliance with foil; this could cause overheating and therefore
4. Never leave the surroundings of the appliance during operation.
5. Never move the appliance during operation.
6. Never touch the appliance (besides the control panel and the handle) during operation.
7. When disconnecting the device from the power, never pull from the cord, only the plug.
Cooling down:
After usage (and after turning the switch off), the appliance needs to
cool down for a minimum time of 30 minutes. To prevent any burning injuries or other
danger, do not touch, move or use the appliance during this period of time.
9. After usage, press on the switch to turn it OFF.
10. After usage the electricity needs to be cut from the socket to prevent fire hazard.
Make sure the switch is turned OFF before you cut the electricity from the socket,
this is to prevent short circuit or danger.
11. Never open the drain valve while the device is hot.
12. When you move the appliance from its place, always grab it at the bottom.
13. During operation or cooling down: always keep the appliance out of reach of children.
This, mainly to prevent danger and burning injuries.
1. Lid
5. Faucet
2. Frying basket
6. Bottom plate
3. Grid
7. Temperature sensor
4. Control panel
8. Hand-actuated Reset switch