4.1.10 Main Sail Reefing
Reefing should always be done before it becomes necessary. Some sailors use the rule of thumb that, if
the thought of reefing occurs to you, it is time to reef. Sailing at extreme angles of heel -- 25 degrees or
more -- is not efficient, fast or comfortable.
The Catalina 22 may be equipped with jiffy reefing (also called slab reefing) for reefing the main sail.
The system consists of reefing blocks mounted on the starboard, outboard end of the boom. A cleat is
located on the mast below the gooseneck, for reefing the luff of the main.
Run the reefing lines provided through the cringles (grommets) in the luff and leech of the main sail in
preparation for reefing. Per illustration, one crew stationed in the cockpit and one crew at the mast are
recommended for fast, safe reefing.
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Catalina 22 Owner's Manual for 1987