Cata IAS 770 Instruction Manual Download Page 21


This appliance is not intended to be used via 

an external timer or a remote control system. 

The manufacturers decline any responsibility 

in the event of non-compliance with what is 

described above and the accident prevention 

norms not being respected and followed. 

 The producer is not responsible for any failure 

to observe the instructions given in this manual 

and current safety regulations for the correct 

use of the equipment.

Reserves the right to make any modifications 

to the equipment or this manual without prior 


Contact our official distributor should you re-

quire technical assistance or additional infor-

mation on our products.

To avoid all risk, if the power cable 

becomes damaged, it must only be 

replaced by the manufacturer, by 

an authorised service centre, or by 

a qualified electrician. 


It exploits the electromagnetic properties of most cooking vessels.

The coil (inductor) which produces the electromagnetic field is 

operated and controlled by the electronic circuit. 

The heat is transmitted to food by the cooking vessel itself. 

The cooking process takes place as described below. 

-  loss of heat is minimum (high efficiency) 
-    the system stops automatically when the vessel  is  removed  or


even just lifted from the hob 

-    the  electronic  circuit guarantees maximum flexibility and fine

1  Vessel 
2  Induced current 
3  Magnetic field 
4  Inductor 
5  Electronic circuit 
6  Power supply 

User’s Instructions (Fig. 




ZZoonnee  sseelleecctt  kkeeyy



Chhiilldd  lloocckk  kkeeyy





OFFFF  kkeeyy


BBoooosstt  ccoonnttrrooll  kkeeyy//KKeeeepp  w


m  kkeeyy



meerr  kkeeyy//PPaauussee  kkeeyy

FFoorr  iinndduuccttiioonn  





meerr  rreegguullaattiinngg  kkeeyy((rreedduuccee))




meerr  rreegguullaattiinngg  



FFiilltteerr  ssccrreeeenn  cchhaannggee  rreem

miinnddeerr  ffuunnccttiioonn  




Deellaayy  sshhuuttddoow

wnn  ffuunnccttiioonn  bbuuttttoonn  kkeeyy



Auuttoo  m

mooddee  ccoom

mbbiinnaattiioonn  kkeeyy

Power consumption

Heating Zone


220-240V~ 50/60Hz

2000/2800 W (Booster)

1500/2000 W (Booster)

Cooker hood

135 W

1500/2000 W (Booster)

2000/2800 W (Booster)

Total Rating Power

7335 W



Allll  ooppeerraattiioonnss  rreellaattiivvee  ttoo  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn  ((eelleeccttrriicc  ccoonnnneeccttiioonn))  

sshhoouulldd  bbee  ccaarriieedd  oouutt  bbyy  sskkiilllleedd  ppeerrssoonnnneell  iinn  ccoonnffoorrm



wiitthh  tthhee  rruulleess  iinn  ffoorrccee..  A

Ass  ffoorr  tthhee  ssppeecciiffiicc  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss  sseeee  

ppaarrtt  ppeerrttaaiinniinngg  ttoo  iinnssttaalllleerr..

Using your induction hob
To start cooking


TToouucchh  tthhee  O



OFFFF  kkeeyy  

    ffoorr  33   sseeccoonnddss..  A



weerr  oonn,,  tthhee  bbuuzzzzeerr  bbeeeeppss  oonnccee,,  aallll  ddiissppllaayyss  


w  ““  ––  ““,,  iinnddiiccaattiinngg  tthhaatt  tthhee  iinndduuccttiioonn  hhoobb  hhaass  

eenntteerreedd  tthhee  ssttaattee  ooff  ssttaannddbbyy  m



PPllaaccee  aa  ssuuiittaabbllee  ppaann  oonn  tthhee  ccooookkiinngg  zzoonnee  tthhaatt  
yyoouu  w

waanntt  ttoo  uussee..


Maakkee  ssuurree  tthhee  bboottttoom

m  ooff  tthhee  ppaann  aanndd  tthhee  

ssuurrffaaccee  ooff  tthhee  ccooookkiinngg  zzoonnee  aarree  cclleeaann  aanndd  ddrryy..



Accccoorrddiinngg  ttoo  tthhee  hheeaattiinngg  zzoonnee  w

whheerree  tthhee  ppaann  iiss  

ppllaacceedd,,  sseelleecctt  aa  rreelleevvaanntt  zzoonnee  bbyy  pprreessssiinngg  ““        ””  
kkeeyy,,  tthhee  ssyym

mbbooll  00..  sseelleecctteedd  w

wiillll  ssttaayy  ffuullllyy..

Summary of Contents for IAS 770

Page 1: ...Manual de instrucciones Instruction manual Manual de instru oes Manuel d instructions Bedienungs und Wartungsanleitungen Haszn lati utas t s Instruction Manual HU EN...

Page 2: ...2 01 x1 02 x1 04 x2 VENT PACK 150 RECIRC KIT 1 IAS 770 03 x1 SZELL ZTET 0150 KERINGTET K SZLET 1 Nem tartalmazza...

Page 3: ...3 P1 P2 P3...

Page 4: ...4 DIM B DIM A 365mm...

Page 5: ...5 72 7 Xl...

Page 6: ...6...

Page 7: ...7...

Page 8: ...8...

Page 9: ...9 HU A zs rsz r tiszt t sa EN Cleaning the grease filter...

Page 10: ...10 1 10 0 1 2...

Page 11: ...11 6 Product Overview Top View A term k ttekint se Fel ln zet...

Page 12: ...12 14 15...

Page 13: ...13 Csak a kivezet ses v ltozat Csak a kivezet ses v ltozat SZELL ZTET 0150mm SZELL ZTET 0150mm REQRCKIT1...

Page 14: ...n kell tartani hacsak nincsenek folyamatos fel gyelet alatt Ezt a k sz l ket 8 ves vagy ann l id sebb gyermekek s cs kkent fizikai rz kszervi vagy ment lis k pess gekkel rendelkez illetve tapasztalatl...

Page 15: ...lifted from the hob the electronic circuit guarantees maximum flexibility and fine adjustments 1 Vessel 2 Induced current 3 Magnetic field 4 Inductor 5 Electronic circuit 6 Power supply User s Instruc...

Page 16: ...lvillan 2 rintse meg a D gombot 3 m sodpercig a f z z na kijelz j n a k vetkez jelenik meg 3 Ha ki akarja kapcsolni a melegen tart st v lassza ki a k v nt f z z n t majd 3 m sodpercig rintse meg a D g...

Page 17: ...ti im me e h ho ol ld d 3 3 s se ec co on nd ds s f fo or r t th he e r ri ig gh ht t g gr ro ou up p 2 2 T Th he e f fl le ex xi ib bl le e z zo on ne e i in nd di ic ca at to or r a ab bo ov ve e t...

Page 18: e a an nd dt th he ew wo or rk ki in ng gg ge ea ar ro of f t th he eC Co oo ok ke er r h ho oo od d i is s a au ut to om ma at ti ic ca al ll ly y a ad dj ju us st te ed d a ac cc co or rd di in...

Page 19: ...a ezt jelzi alaposan tiszt tsa meg Ehhez t vol tsa el a sz r ket s mossa le azokat forr v zzel s tiszt t szerrel Mosogat g p haszn lata eset n helyezze be f gg legesen a sz r ket ezzel megakad lyozza...

Page 20: ...s of age should be kept at a safe distance unless continuously supervised This appliance may be used by children aged 8 or over and by persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or l...

Page 21: ...r re ee en n c ch ha an ng ge e r re em mi in nd de er r f fu un nc ct ti io on n k ke ey y I D De el la ay y s sh hu ut td do ow wn n f fu un nc ct ti io on n b bu ut tt to on n k ke ey y J A Au ut t...

Page 22: ec co on nd ds s t th he e c co oo ok ki in ng g z zo on ne e i in nd di ic ca at to or r w wi il ll l d di is sp pl la ay y 3 3 I If f y yo ou u w wa an nt t t to o c ca an nc ce el l t th he e k...

Page 23: ...a i is s m ma ad de e o of f t tw wo o i in nd de ep pe en nd de en nt t i in nd du uc ct to or rs s t th ha at t c ca an n b be e c co on nt tr ro ol ll le ed d s se ep pa ar ra at te el ly y W Wh h...

Page 24: ut te es s b be ef fo or re e d dr ro op pp pi in ng g d do ow wn n t to o t th he e n ne ex xt t l lo ow we es st t s sp pe ee ed d T Th hi is s s sp pe ee ed d w wi il ll l r re em ma ai in n i...

Page 25: ...r fitting into a work top as shown in the corresponding figure Place the supplied sealing agent along the hob perimeter It s forbidden to install the hob over an oven Electrical connection Fig 16 Prio...

Page 26: ...38 594 100 Fax 34 938 594 101 www cnagroup es cna cnagroup es Atenci n al Cliente 902 410 450 34 938 521 818 info cnagroup es SAT Central Portugal 351 214 349 771 service junis pt Import r MULTIKOMPLE...
