CAT Pumps 67070 Service Manual Download Page 17

SERVICE MANUAL | 67070 Plunger Pump


(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] |

Servicing the Valves


2.09  To separate spring retainer from valve seat 

for inspection purposes, insert a flat tip 
screwdriver between spring retainer and  
top of valve and pry upwards until there  
is a small gap.

2.08  Grasp M12 HSH screw and pull upwards to 

remove complete valve assembly.


 If spring retainer separates from valve seat. 

Remove spring and valve from manifold. Use a 
reverse pliers (PN 30696) to remove valve seat.

NOTE: Examine valve seats, valves and springs 

for grooves, pitting or wear and replace with a 

new valve kit as needed.
NOTE: Examine O-rings and backup rings for 

cuts or wear and replace with a new valve kit 

as needed.

Summary of Contents for 67070

Page 1: ...www catpumps com Product Quality Reliability and Support You Expect SERVICE MANUAL 67070 PLUNGER PUMP PUMP MODELS INCLUDED 67070 ...

Page 2: ...24 Table of Contents IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Itistheresponsibilityoftheusertoreadandunderstandallinstructions important safeguards and safety precautions before operating or servicing any pump Failure to do so may result in property damage personal injury or death GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION AND SYMBOLS Payspecialattentiontothefollowingsignalwords safetyalert symbolsandstatements Safety Symbo...

Page 3: ... to Lock Out and Tag Out procedures for electrical equipment 2 Before commencing pump service turn power supply off turn water supply off squeeze trigger on gun to relieve system pressure 3 For mobile equipment be sure engines and hydraulics are turned off and secured to avoid accidental start 4 Do not operate with safety guards removed 5 Always use safety guards on all belt drives couplings and s...

Page 4: ...ipperysurfaceonwhichapersonmayslipandfallcausingpersonalinjuryordeath 1 Wear suitable footwear to maintain a good grip on wet surfaces 2 Do not stand on ladders or scaffolding 3 Do not over reach or stand on unstable supports 4 Keep good footing and balance and hold gun with both hands to control kick back A IMPROPER USE OF FITTINGS HAZARD Donotoperatethepumpwithimproperly connected sized wornorlo...

Page 5: ...ON DIRECTION HAZARD Donotrotatepumpcrankshaftinreversedirection Rotationofpumpcrankshaftinreversedirectionmaynotprovideproperlubrication andmayresultindamagetothedrive endcomponents 1 Forward rotation is the top of the crankshaft turning towards the manifold head of the pump 2 Ensure oil is filled to the center red dot on sight gauge for forward rotation 3 If reverse rotation is unavoidable ensure...

Page 6: ...d maintenance cycle Most system failures are not due to the pump but fail because of other system components The Preventative Maintenance Check List on page 22 provides a summary of the various system maintenance concerns for all high pressure systems The seals on our pumps operating under normal conditions will perform for a minimum of 1500 hours with most lasting much longer The valves typically...

Page 7: ...E KIT ASSEMBLY 76454 Tools Needed 1 14 mm Hex Bit Socket with Ratchet 2 M12 Hex Socket Head Screw 3 2x Large Flat Tip Screwdrivers 4 Pick 5 Reverse Pliers PN 30696 6 30mmCombinationWrench 7 Rubber Mallet 8 2xM16x277ThreadedStuds PN 88902 9 Adjustable Wrench 10 Lubricating Oil 11 Liquid Thread Sealant Seal Valve Kit Pump Diagram VALVE KIT COMPONENTS PN 76454 Qty 2 3 2 4 5 11 10 9 8 7 1 SEAL KIT COM...

Page 8: ...two 2 M16 x 277 studs PN88902 intotheopenscrewholes Thesestudswillassistinguidingthe dischargemanifoldovertheplungers andevenlydistributetheload 1 02 Use a 14 mm hex bit socket with ratchet to remove the remainingsix 6 M16x110HSH screwsonthedischargemanifold 1 06 Usea14mmhexbitsocketwithratchetto removethetwo 2 topoutsideM16x50HSH screwsontheinletmanifold 1 07 Hand thread in two 2 M16 x 277 studs ...

Page 9: ...idestuds Placeonaworksurfacewith crankcasesidedown Exerciseextremecautionwhenremovinginlet manifold Manifoldisveryheavy 1 15 UseapicktoremoveO ringsandbackup ringsfrombothendsoftheV packingspacer 1 10 Usearubbermallettotapthebacklowerside ofinletmanifoldtofurtherassistinseparation fromthecrankcase 1 13 Inserttwo 2 largeflattipscrewdriversinto thegrooveonoppositesidesofV packing spacerandpryupwards...

Page 10: ...pacer Servicing the Seals 1 17 InspectO ringsfordamage 1 20 Usealargeflattipscrewdrivertoremove thepairofblackV packingsfromeachseal chamber MANIFOLD AND SEAL REMOVAL NOTE Examineinletanddischargemanifolds spacers maleandfemaleadaptersforgrooves pittingorwearandreplaceasneeded 1 22 Turninletmanifoldoversocrankcasesideis facingupwards 1 23 Usealargeflattipscrewdrivertoremovelow pressuresealfromeach...

Page 11: ...down andpressintoplace 1 25 Turninletmanifoldover 1 27 InstallthepairofV packingsintoeachseal chamberwiththegroovesidefacingup 1 28 Installmaleadapterintoeachsealchamber with V shapefacingdown Servicing the Seals 1 32 Installinletspacerintoeachinletchamber 1 30 InstallV packingspacerintoeachseal chamber 1 31 InstallO ringsonbothendsofinletspacer NOTE Thesealkitcontainsthree 3 plunger retainerO rin...

Page 12: ... Seals 1 35 Use an adjustable wrench or 30 mm combinationwrenchtoloosentheplunger retainers 1 38 Removekeyholewasherandbarrierslinger 1 36 Graspceramicplungerandturn counterclockwisetoremoveplunger fromplungerrod 1 39 Removeplungerretainerfromceramic plunger 1 37 Inspectceramicplungersfordamage 1 40 Useapicktoremovebackupring O ring andgasketfromplungerretainer NOTE ExamineO ringsandbackupringsfor...

Page 13: ... lbs 48 6ft lbsor66Nm 1 44 Slidekeyholewasheroverplungerrodand positionagainstbarrierslinger 1 47 Slidesealretainerassemblyovereachplunger rod Positionwickdownwardwithtabofwick inthesmalltray 1 45 PlaceadropofLoctite 242 ontheendof eachplungerrod 1 41 Installgasket O ringandthenbackupring ontoeachplungerretainer 1 42 Insertplungerretainerassembliesinto ceramicplungers Loctite and 242 are registere...

Page 14: ...heplungers andevenlydistributetheload NOTE Ensuretwo 2 guidepinsareinplace 1 53 Insertsix 6 M16x110HSHscrewsinto dischargemanifoldandhandtighten RemoveTwo 2 M16x277studs 1 54 Installremainingtwo 2 M16x110HSH screws Usean14mmhexbitsocketwith ratchettotorquealleight 8 HSHscrewsto 1416in lbs 118ft lbsor160Nminsequence shown 1 48 Handthreadintwo 2 M16x277studs PN88902 intocrankcase Placeinlet manifold...

Page 15: ...SERVICE MANUAL 67070 Plunger Pump 15 763 780 5440 techsupport catpumps com www catpumps com ...

Page 16: ...tsonoppositesidesofvalveplugandpry upwards 2 02 RemovevalveplugswithO rings 2 05 Removecoilspring 2 06 Removespringwasher 2 07 UseanM12HSHscrewandhandthreadinto threadedholeontopofspringretainer 2 03 InspectO ringfordamage 2 04 Use a pick to remove O ring from each valve plug NOTE Two 2 valve kits are required to repair the pump see data sheet PN 99DAT048 NOTE Discharge and inlet valve assemblies ...

Page 17: ... topofvalveandpryupwardsuntilthere isasmallgap 2 08 GraspM12HSHscrewandpullupwardsto removecompletevalveassembly NOTE Ifspringretainerseparatesfromvalveseat Removespringandvalvefrommanifold Usea reversepliers PN30696 toremovevalveseat NOTE Examine valve seats valves and springs for grooves pitting or wear and replace with a new valve kit as needed NOTE Examine O rings and backup rings for cuts or ...

Page 18: ...ber 2 12 UsearubbermallettotapthetopoftheM12 HSHscrewsovalveassemblyseatsproperly Removescrew 2 13 Installspringwasherontospringretainer 2 14 Installcoilspringontospringwasher 2 15 InstallandlubricatenewO ringontoeach valveplug NOTE Lubricate O rings and backup rings on valve seats and valve plugs prior to reassembly 2 17 Handthreadin24M16x30HSHscrews Usean14mmhexbitsocketwithratchet totorqueall24...

Page 19: ...SERVICE MANUAL 67070 Plunger Pump 19 763 780 5440 techsupport catpumps com www catpumps com ...

Page 20: ...g oil that appears cloudy or milky indicates the presence of water in the crankcase On the Model 67070 use the dipstick to inspect the integrity of the oil A water oil mix does not provide enough lubrication to the components in the drive end and will cause damage This damage can occur on the plunger rods or the crankshaft and connecting rods Also without a layer of oil on the drive end components...

Page 21: is exclusively designed tested and proven to maximize the life of your pump This special formulated premium grade petroleum based ISO 68 hydraulic oil contains the most advanced additive package to protect against wear oxidation rust and corrosion Cat Pumps premium custom blend oil is available worldwide in 21 ounce bottles single and 12 pack cases 2 5 gallon jugs single and 2 pack or 30 gallon...

Page 22: ...t 50 hours of operation and every 500 hours thereafter Every system operates under different conditions Past performance and maintenance history are the best indicators of future performance If system performance degrades or changes check seals and valves immediately Service as required to restore system performance Depending upon operating conditions maintenance intervals for seals kits range bet...

Page 23: ...onWrench 247 8 20 6 28 0 BearingCoverScrews M10 17mmCombinationWrench 247 8 20 6 28 0 ConnectingRodScrews M10 17mmCombinationWrench 531 44 2 60 0 TECHNICAL BULLETIN REFERENCE CHART NO SUBJECT MODELS 002 Inlet Pressure vs Water Temperature All Models 024 Lubrication of Low Pressure Seals All Models 035 Servicing Crankcase Section Ball Bearing Models 7CP 7PFR 68PFR 036 Identifying Your Pump All Mode...

Page 24: ... or replace O ring Bubble gauge Loose bubble gauge or worn bubble gauge gasket Tighten bubble gauge or replace gasket Bearing cover Loose bearing cover or worn bearing cover O ring Tighten bearing cover or replace O ring Filler cap Loose filler cap or excessive oil in crankcase Tighten filler cap Fill crankcase to specified capacity Excessive pump RPM Consult pump data sheet for maximum pump RPM C...
