SERVICE MANUAL | 67070 Plunger Pump
(763) 780-5440 | [email protected] | www.catpumps.com
Servicing the Seals
1.43 Slide barrier slinger over plunger rod and
position against step on plunger rod.
1.46 Hand thread ceramic plunger assembly onto
each plunger rod. Use an adjustable wrench
or 30 mm combination wrench to tighten the
plunger retainers. Torque to 584 in-lbs,
48.6 ft-lbs or 66 Nm.
1.44 Slide keyhole washer over plunger rod and
position against barrier slinger.
1.47 Slide seal retainer assembly over each plunger
rod. Position wick downward with tab of wick
in the small tray.
1.45 Place a drop of Loctite®242®on the end of
each plunger rod.
1.41 Install gasket, O-ring and then backup ring
onto each plunger retainer.
1.42 Insert plunger retainer assemblies into
ceramic plungers.
Loctite and 242 are registered trademarks of the Henkel Corporation.
Lubricate O-rings and backup rings on plunger retainers prior to reassembly.