— 22 —
• How To Add Rhythm Accompaniment To The
Auto Play
1. Store the melody in time with the beat of the rhythm.
* You must start the rhythm before storing the melody
(before step 5 of Auto Play Method #1 or before Step
3 of Auto Play Method #2).
2. Start the rhythm before beginning Auto Play. Press the
key on the beat with the rhythm.
* Please make the rhythm for 1 and 2 above the same.
If you press the key during Auto Play the speed of
both the melody and the rhythm will be changed.
For More Enjoyable Auto Play
• Sound And Octave Switching
The sound selection or octave shift can be changed even during
auto play.
• Tempo Adjustment
You can adjust the tempo even during auto play by simply press-
ing the tempo keys.
• Auto Play Reset and Pause
Reset — If you press the key during auto play the playing will
stop. When you want to listen again press the key and the
playing will start again from beginning.
Pause — If you press the key during auto play the playing
will pause. If you press it once more the playing will resume
from where it stopped.