Name of this key.
Numeric low amount limit.
Assigns the disable input below the specified amount. Set 0
means no specified
Numeric high amount limit.
Assigns the disables input in excess of the specified
amount. Set 0 means no specified.
Last digits restriction.
Assigns limit the least significant digit that can be entered.
Key Code
Primary keycode of this key.
Func Code
DEPOSIT function code is 000025.
Name of this key.
Deposit minus
Assigns deposit operation.
0: No (receive deposit)
1: Yes (use deposited amount for payment)
2: Charge Payment
If “Yes”, outstanding deposit amount increases and total
payment amount decreases.
If “No”, outstanding deposit amount decreases and total
payment amount increases.
If “Charge Payment”, use as payment of customer charge.
Media definition
Assigns type of money in drawer to calculate deposit amount.
0: Cash in drawer
1: Charge in drawer
2: Check in drawer
3: Credit in drawer
Drawer open
Assigns to open drawer or not.
1: Open
2: Not open
Numeric low amount limit.
Assigns the disable input below the specified amount. Set 0
means no specified
Numeric high amount limit.
Assigns the disables input in excess of the specified
amount. Set 0 means no specified.
Last digits restriction.
Assigns limit the least significant digit that can be entered.
Start app code for Charge Payment.
If you use deposit key as Charge Payment, please set value
Compulsory customer
Assigns compulsory for entering customer number.
0: No
1: Yes